Chapter Four - Hall Plans

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     We slowly make our way to the hall and kitchen as Loki keeps giving me information and short stories on what I ask him about. I have no idea how long it takes us or how long I've been away from my mom but I don't care since I'm having fun with my new best friend. I suddenly stop as I see a small but beautiful garden through a window. I see two benches on the edge of the grass and bushes with flowers on one corner of the grass.

     "Do you like gardens?"

     I turn towards Loki and say, "Sometimes when I feel like being outside I do. Sometimes I wish I had a horse so I could ride it out in some open field somewhere or go on an adventure on my horse. Oh! Or have a flying horse like the Valkyries do! That way I can choose between flying on my horse or riding my horse like normal horses."

     We start walking towards the hall again and he asks me, "Have you ever been on a horse before?"

     I shake my head slowly. "No, but I really want to. It seems fun and horses are beautiful."

     Loki says, "I can show you how to do that too. We have plenty of horses in the stables. And we can go to different gardens around the castle whenever I teach you Runes so you can see the different ones there are."

     "Can we also go to different rooms around the castle when we do? Like really big ones or small ones or secret ones? For the days I don't feel like going to the gardens."

     "Yes. There are plenty of places inside we can stay in. When did you want to start your lessons?"

     "I would start today but I have to ask. My mom says I have to take lady lessons too besides learning and reading all the things I want. My dad even convinced her to let me start to learn how to fight on the days I don't have any lady lessons. So I need to ask her what days and times I have lady lessons and maybe I can have less of those because I'll be learning how to read and write Runes."

     "What are lady lessons?" asks Loki.

     "I call any lessons on how to be a "proper" lady, lady lessons. Like how to sew, how to cook, standing and walking tall, how to curtsy, all that stuff."

     "Did you have any you actually liked taking?"

     "I actually love to paint and draw things, I love to sing, and I really like to cook too. I hate anything to do with needles because I'm really bad at that and because it's stupid."

     Loki laughs quietly and looks at me. "Needlework is?"

     "Yes! I hurt my fingers when I do it for a long time or when I stab myself. And it's stupid because I think it's better to know how to fight and defend yourself just in case we get attacked. There's plenty of ladies who know how to sew and all that so they can help me and I'll protect them."

     "That is what the army is for though. They protect us from attacks."

     "Yes, but they don't save every single person every time, do they? They can't be everywhere at the same time. A bad man comes and all you can do is stab them with a needle. That's not going to stop bad men."

     Loki moves his head to the side as he looks at me in surprise. "Fair point. Are you sure you are eleven?"

     I laugh and say, "I read a lot, I like talking to older people, I listen, and my parents say I must have lived a whole life before this one. Wait, how did you know I'm eleven?"

     "Mother told Thor and me that a close friend of hers was coming to stay at the castle and that her daughter was coming with her and she was eleven years old."

Part One - A New Beginning (Loki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now