Chapter Eighteen - The Promise

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     I close my eyes and try to picture the door to open up to my magic. I want to see what I couldn't ever remember from my dreams. I want to know if my dream was a vision of what happened to my dad and if I could've stopped it if I had just remembered. I picture the field I'm sitting in and a door in front of me in the direction of the trees. The door looks black this time and I don't know why.

     I get up and start walking towards the door when something suddenly makes me turn back around. I feel something pulling me back to where I was sitting. I want to keep walking towards the door so I stand in the middle. I don't know what to do. Then I hear Loki's voice close to me.

     "Butterfly, look at me."

     Goosebumps go down my arms when I hear one of the nicknames my dad used to call me. My heart beats painfully again and I drop to my knees.

     "Butterfly, please. Look at me."

     I open my eyes and I feel Loki's hand on my shoulder. I lift my head up slowly and look at him. I blink and realize he's really there sitting on the grass next to me.



     She slowly lifts up her head and blinks at him, her eyes unfocused. Then her gaze sharpens with recognition.


     Loki's shoulders sag with relief and he nods.

     Her eyes widen in surprise. "You're really here. You found me."

     Loki frowns at her. "Of course I found you, Kyrie. I always will. Why did you leave? What happened?"

     She tells him about what she overheard as she stares at the ground. As she keeps going, her voice gets softer and softer until only a whisper comes out. When she finishes, she looks up with tears springing up in her eyes. Loki's heart feels hurt and heavy seeing her in so much pain without being able to help. He sees her finally process what has happened, it is clear on her face the moment her heart cracks.

     Silent tears stream down her face. "Why did he leave me, Loki? Why?"

     She begins to cry sobs that shake her whole body. Loki catches her as she lets herself fall forward. He clutches her tight in his arms as if he can squeeze the pain out of her and hold her together for her. A single tear falls from his eye and he puts his cheek on the top of her head. He does not move and she does not let go for a long time.

     Loki holds her until her sobs calm down and the sun is starting to get low in the sky. She moves to sit back up on her own and Loki lets her go.

     "Thank you."

     Loki shakes his head. "No need for that, Kyrie. That is what best friends do. But, you are welcome."

     She notices that his shirt is soaked in one spot and she grimaces. "I'm sorry I got your shirt all wet."

     He shrugs. "That is on me. I should have brought something to catch your tears. It is fine, Kyrie."

     "You called me Butterfly when you got here."

     Loki nods once. "I did. But that had been the third time I had tried to get your attention. You did not respond the first two times and I started to get worried. So I tried the first thing that came to me. Did you not hear me when I arrived?" She shakes her head. "Why?"

     "I was trying to open the door. I wanted to see if I could see what I had been dreaming to see if I could've helped. I should've helped."

     Loki takes her hands with his own and looks into her eyes.

Part One - A New Beginning (Loki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now