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Damian sneaks into the Watchtower, of course only after his father had left with Drake, hiding in the vents.
What neither he nor his father or anyone expected was the Watchtower getting attacked and the Leaguers captured by their own security.
Of course, while it may be made by Batman, Batman would at least make sure he had a way to get out, as did the members of the Batfam who trained under him or were deemed as 'close associates'.

Damian finds and rescues Superboy, otherwise known as Jonathan Kent, and goes to find the villain only to realise that it was the Joker that had somehow gotten in.


The two boys and Leaguers weren't the only ones that had been in there.
Damian knew that his brothers' team woult be too that day and, from what he could tell, Grayson was trying to bust the Young Justice team (where Drake should've gone to but he was instead stuck with his father) out. However, Ivy and Harley were guarding their exit without them knowing.

The imbeciles that dared to test his patience were truly neverending.

What Damian didn't know was that the captured Leaguers were made to watch the security monitors as 'entertainment' by the Joker and thus saw how one boy rescued the other.

"Who are they?"

"I don't recognise them."

"That's Superman's symbol, no?"

"What's Robin doing here?"

"He was captured with us and Batman, remember?"
Barry belatedly realized that Bruce had been the one who had asked the question. He turned around, his brows furrowed in confusion.

"Uhm... Bat's, you realize your protégé was trapped with you, right? He's right next to you." Hopefully Batman didn't have a concussion..

"Actually," began Tim; "I'm not Robin anymore. I'm Red Robin, the official title of Robin went to him." He pointed to the screen.

"A new Robin to play with?
How fun! I'll have lots of time to play with him!!" Batman fiercely glared at the Joker, making the entire Justice League situated between them flinch or cower like the pressing Red Sea.

Rob— ehm, that is, Red Robin rolled his eyes: "Good luck with that." Bruce gave him a short glare and he promptly quietened. While that was happening, the Joker continued his crazy laughter with an undertone of slight worry.


"Superboy, we're gonna move up."

"And then do what..?"

"You take out Ivy, the woman with green skin and red hair that controls plants, while I take on the other one."

Damian then shut the panel he'd hijacked to see the cameras and began to move into the vents. Jon floated through them as he isn't really stealthy and wasn't used to crawling through vents every other odd day of the week, unlike Damian.

When they were situated right above them Damian had him cause a very high-pitch whistle.
It would affect both of the women and plants are said to react very sensitive to sound, adding on to the damage while causing a good distraction by disorientating their enemies. Thankfully, Damian had plugged some 'Anti-S' earbuds into his ears before the whistle.
He'd grabbed them as they were simply lying around in the cave.

If anyone asked why those had been there they'd only need to know Batman and that he most likely had a plan to contain every member of the Justice League.

Which he did.

His contingency plan for himself had been the JL but they clearly didn't think any of them could go amok or rogue, including him, so he had to get a nerve toxin and new plans set into place.
One of which even contained the League of Assassins and his mother.

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