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When Damian was finally allowed to do solo-patrols he felt overjoyed... Until he wasn't. Something felt off, almost strange to him. He realised what and why he felt off when he looked at the others to see if they noticed it.
But nothing, nothing out of norm. He realised that the inconsistency lied with himself, not them.

That's when he knew what it was.

For the first time during patrol, he felt completely alone. Without his father watching him, without Jason's death-jokes and patronizing of him, without Dick's joyous laughter and surprise cuddles - even Drake's over the shoulder looks and their silent company while they tried to tolerate each other, mostly.

He shrugged the feeling of loneliness off by trying to distract himself, being even more vigilant and quick to find trouble, like a hunting dog let loose. Hie family noticed his strange behavior over the following weeks, seeing as the bad guys and goons would screech and run like a startled rat when they saw even a sign of a bat or bird and begged to just be put into a police van.

Thankfully, that kind of occurrence lessened after Damian realised that this didn't satisfy him either, that the others could work just fine alone and Dick had given him a talk of maybe looking a li~ttle less bloodthirsty.

That was, until he got a suggestion from Fatgirl - Stephanie Brown. "Listen for the city's noises as music if you're that bored."

Boredom? Music? Him??

It could serve to distract him, surely. He also knew how to fight without relying on his hearing.
He would've been punished by his mother and grandfather otherwise... He tried humming for a while, like Dick (his Batman) had done often in the Batmobile when it was a normal night - by Gotham's standarts that is.

Unexpectedly, Fatgirls advice was useful as it served to ease a bit of his loneliness.

And to be honest, he didn't know what he was humming. Grayson had never told him the title of the song or it's origin. But he's heard it often enough to remember it.
He had repeated it in his head quite often after his father had returned and Dick gave up on being Batman, returning to Bludhäven.

It was.. almost comforting.

He decided to learn more songs or download a few to play over his com.

If that was how he got hooked on music then that was nobody's business, not even Brown's or Grayson's.

Eventually, he recited or hummed a few of the songs when he was bored so he didn't have to hear the deafening - despite the loud noises - silence that accompanied him.

The first song he actually sang was on top of the tallest building-W.E. It was Satellite by Rise Against, fitting for Robin and the Batclan.

The buildings height and strong winds made it impossible for others to eavesdrop on him, and that's just what he wanted.
For nobody to hear him while he sang his voice raw. Something he had always wanted to do, while ensuring that even Superboy or his father wouldn't hear him and came to ask what was wrong.
If he would have had to answer such a question then he would've either redirected their attention or said once of Drake's favorite lines: 'I just wanted to not have to shout my frustration over idiots into my pillow anymore.'

Which was also true.

When he was too frustrated, angry or sad, which happened more often than he would ever admit, he let it out on his pillow while Titus and Alfred the cat watched him worriedly, ready to comfort him at a moments notice.
It was a silent comfort he preferred over his family's.
He didn't want to seem weak in their eyes, no matter how much Grayson implemented that emotions were not a weakness.

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