Fantasy AU

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^Got this idea from skimming through Ao3!! Really great stories!

When Bruce, King of Gotham, Warlock and undercover Law-enforcer, received a letter from his one-night stand Talia, a dancer, he was both unsettled and perturbed as, apparently, he had a son.
They had a son and she was sending said son (who couldn't be older than 9) to him as she could no longer afford to take care of him.

Which is what he quite unsubtly and straightforward told the rest of his children on the next day during breakfast in the dining hall. It had caused his eldest, Dick (Elf), to spit out his drink, a look from Tim (Mage) around the table as if affirming he wasn't hallucinating or misheard that before going shock-still, Steph (Ranger) and Barbara (Nymph) to give him a flat look and ask if it was a joke and Cass (Half-Spirit) to watch on curiously.

The only reason his second oldest son, Jason (Half-Ogre), didn't show a reaction was because he was absent due to a checkup on the borders. Bruce had sent out a messenger to deliver the news to him along with as a request to be present for the introduction within two days time.

Alfred, his head butler and personal attendant, a human mage, gave him a sharp look for not subtly controlling the conversation and breaking the news to them. The elderly man was mildly curious how this new boy would be like, having been raised by a dancer and born to a king? Had the boy known of his heritage? Was he interested in swords, magic, literature or rather taken with dancing like his mother?

He would let a few maids prepare a bedroom for the new young master and look out over for a final inspection.

The day of the boys arrival had been during a rainstorm, the droplets pelting down with a drowning intensity. The secret defenders were up and around earlier than usual to assist the civilians, workers and peasants to get off the flooded streets and into shelter. All the while not noticing the boys arrival in their midst. Even Pennyworth was occupied with operating the communication crystals and procedures for the official support that would protect the city of Gotham, named after its land.

So, inevitably, the boy was taken into the castle as a wandering stray seeking shelter without his agenda being questioned or his presence relayed to the regent ruler or his heir, the Crown prince Richard.

"When is this atmospheric interference going to end" he lamented, irritated at being shoved together with some of the lesser folk he would've never met back home. And this is supposed to be my father's fortress?
It's defenses are laughable.
A high elemental spell or curse would easily have broken through its meager defenses, conquered and its inhabitants slaughtered.

And his father, the king, he was a warlock, was he not?
Weather manipulation should be part of his repertoire of skills so why is there no barrier at the very least? From what he could tell, the man wasn't even alerted of his arrival, so there isn't even a bloodward in place!

Then again, he mused, looking around the large ballroom he'd been herded to along with a few others, seeing elves, dwarfs, humans, fae and even the telltale signs of wolfears and tail along with the glint of vampire fangs and their pale skin, perhaps it's due to him accepting so many races in his kingdom. It is an admirable feat, if one built on a folly.
Even his adopted heirs, he knows, - despite him being able to perform his duty as a sire-, are of various creatures heritage.
I can sense the traces of their magic and aura, although well hidden it is against the run-along wizard or witch.

He watched as blankets were given to some of the evacuated, wondering what the use of it was if they were not going to rest in the palace anyway, before remembering that humans were a race largely affected by changes in temperature. So... They were cold. He mused around that observation, noting once again how fickle and weak this kingdom was, despite some races buffing up its strength.

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