Fate Marks

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Each person has a mark on their body that symbolises their calling in life, what their good at or what is most important to them.

It looks like a tattoo and is called a fate mark.
Earthlings get it when they are about 5 years old, latest at 8 or 9.
The person themself can have an inkling of what theirs is before they manage to get it. From a young age, many are anxious and fantasise on what their mark will be. Understandable, as the reason for that is that one's fate mark doesn't just show others what you specialise in or what your future will revolve around- no, it also gives you a kind of authority: the chance to be unparalleled with it.
And with that authority comes power, the power to shape and manipulate the plane of existence.

This is called: Materialisation of the mark and can be achieved with enough practise. It can be cancelled by a special material (temporary) or suppressed by a stronger ability. Defeating or overpowering the bearer of the mark also works as it exhausts them or makes them loose concentration on their power, which disables it.

Now let's say that, for instance, someone's mark is a musical instrument. They will be among the best with that specific instrument and able to manipulate its sound to cause various effects. They can also summon their mark into its material equivalent, no matter what it is. Although, depending on its quantity and how it can influence others, it can have limiters placed on the summon, such as a decrease in power or size.

These are the: Marks limiter/s and they can be controlled at will or changed with lots of training. So they are either natural to not stress the bearer or self-imposed, which is mostly the case when the power itself is unstable or to not go beyond their level of control.

A mark cannot be erased or changed; it is predestined and not a mark on one's body but soul.
It can be concealed by one's will. Which is what most undercover heroes do or those who extraterrestrial, unless they can excuse something else for a mark, i.e. telekinesis, strength, speed, X-ray vision, flying, etc.

Additionally, there are two very special marks - Celestials: the marks of the sun and the moon.
Not only can they enable their bearers longevity but also to control the respective celestial bodies that grant additional control over heat/cold as well as light/dark - greatly affecting the earth's natural phenomenons and climate. Also, the sun bearer (Solaris) has the ability to make plants grow rapidly while the moon bearer (Lunaris) controls tides, aka the oceans.
Because of their immense power and authority, they must be protected and treated with special care so as to avoid disaster and to prevent them from getting cocky and possibly tyrannising others.

Bluntly put, the Celestials are gods on earth, standing on the very top of the fate hierarchy while put under the laws of society.
There are stories of them being the 'Origin' of Marks and most can be categorised under either one of them. A dark or light Mark.
A <shining> or <void> affinity.

Meaning the Celestials have as much attention and respect as they have natural responsibility and restraints.

And yes, Mark bearers use their marks to fight against each other and defend themselves.
In this current world it's nothing new and allowed by law.
These with a high rank/ ability are like VIP's while those of lower capability are like normal civilians.

Although harming others without reason is still a crime, especially towards those who still haven't attained their mark aka those below the age of ten.


A/N: Now that the intro is out of the way, let's get to the drama.

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