His Magic

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Damian actually has another secret he had hidden from everyone. Even Ra's, that is, this time around they didn't know.

How that works and what he meant by that?

He had sent his soul through time, back to the past, as his last attempt to escape his grandfather's control.
The Demon's Head would have taken control of his body and destroyed both worlds--

well, the human civilian with superhero/-villain one and the last one even the LOA hadn't know about previously.
Until recently after his birth.

The Wizarding World.

To make matters worse Ra's had teamed up with both madmen feared through all of wizarding England: Grindelwald and Voldemort--pardon, young Riddle Jr.

Fortunately, his friends (yes, they weren't just associates) had managed to send him back. Not only that, but they'd parted with much advice to give and even a to-do list on

-what to influence slightly
- what to avoid minor - majorly -what to do to maybe reach their desired future if he could without triggering a domino or butterfly-effect (optional, Granger was very adamant of the ill-timed effects).

In the first round (the future-turned-past) he had been a Slytherin, to no real surprise, considering.
His favorite class had been Defense Against The Dark Arts and Care of Magical Beasts - again, to no one's surprise (else there would've been a threat of eternal silence by use of any Unforgivable or similar).

Now, he's been sent to Hogwarts for a second time after his year of blood at age 10 in order for the Al Ghul family to take root in the magical enclaves.
His paternal family (local to Gotham) still having no clue about his existence. Though he'd made plans while waiting for his letter to Hogwarts to remedy that. He's already put them in place -an inheritance test from Gringotts, a truth potion - there were a lot of methods, plus his father could conduct a paternity test all on his own (which he would as he doesn't trust magic all too much or well on principle).

And now, different from his first time he'd been sorted into Ravenclaw. Though Alastor (the old hat) had caused quite a fuss when he'd peaked into his mind.
To give credit where it is due, Damian knows for a fact that his case would surely be something unbelievable to a wizened old fool - a hat stuck year-round in one place can't fare much better when learning of the intricacies of modern advancements through the minds of children once a year.

Alastor surely expected a general assortment of thought, most of which around fear for howlers should their house not fit their family's heritage, the excitement of learning magic, the unease of entering a 'strange new world full of fantasy'.
The Potter boy 3 years ago had been bad enough for one night of difficulty, house characteristics & developmental talent everywhere if it wasn't for the house bigotry of a narrow-minded Weasley pushing him to sort the child into the Gryffindor.

No offense to Godric (Founder) but that boy would've fit better with Salazar's pit of vipers. It's what he wanted, but not needed -- plus he's sure Potter and that white ferret would've made things interesting for Hogwarts.

Tonight came Damian Al Ghul. A boy of new-rich magical bloodline, a first generation; yet he carries himself like the blood of the most ancient and noble houses. Nothing impressed him, and he proved a headache worthy of Merlin himself!!

And, admittedly, while time-travel was a thing he was aware of, considering the time-turners lying around the headmasters office like take out lemon drops, the child's sole focus of having used it -that being the utter truth; his mentality and ohmerlin this boy had occlumency shields!- in order to prevent the fall of the magical and muggle/ superhero world was a far cry beyond his expectation. And here he thought he was done after the 'Chosen One's sorting...

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