Different Connections

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When Bruce had threatened Damian that he'd send him to a boarding school in Switzerland he'd meant it. And when Damian had disobeyed him multiple times, almost killed Tim and he'd found him meeting that Talon, well-, he'd pulled through on his promise, deciding that Damian was beyond redemption, too dangerous and uncontrollable for him to deal with and take care of while continuing his duties as Batman.
He would not take care of a child he didn't want and that didn't listen to him.

So he sent Damian away, cutting off any personal or emotional connection between them.

For years, Damian would be in a boarding school for wayward/ difficult children.

And he'd regularly pay that they made sure to do their job of keeping him there.


The reason Damian actually stayed there or made no move to leave himself was fairly simple: it wasn't that he couldn't get out of there if he wanted to -it would be far too easy-, but he was forbidden to return to the League unless summoned or when he'd finished training/ learning under Batman; the same father who had deemed him unworthy and sent him here. So his best course of action to return was by showing 'appealing behaviour'.

He was not to start fights or murder. He was forced to ignore - better yet forget - all of what he's been taught his entire life.

A... difficult mission. But with every mission he's ever had he has no option but to succeed.

He has three roommates, all of which he's tried his best to avoid or ignore as though they were part of the rooms interior background design or furniture.
He slept on the upper part of a bunk bed (which he'd showed his dominance for in order to claim it).

His roommates consisted of 3, all of them being boys as they were in the west wing of the school. The school divided sleeping quarters and food halls for boys and girls. Boys were in the west wing, girls in the east wing.

Alas, he's learned their names along with some other information throughout his stay.

Alex, a boy 4 years older than him, had blonde hair and green eyes. He was the most... forthcoming in terms of socialising he'd seen so far and was also a class prefect.
He was also responsible with getting his roommates into class. (The students were assigned the same room as the class they were in, so it was easier to watch them.)

Though, his track record wasn't everything: judging from the way his knuckles were always expertly wrapped, Damian could tell he often got into fights or was a boxer, the latter having been confirmed by the boxing magazines under his pillow.
He admitted to having been in an illegal fighting ring on the street until Green Arrow busted it.

Matthew -Matt- was the oldest among them, aka 16, and had a dark scar going through his right eye which rendered him half blind. He was pale, had black hair, red eyes and a rather cold but not entirely honorless or unsympathetic attitude.
He was the type that wouldn't stab someone in the back unless they couldn't be trusted. He had some street-taught self-defense training. As for his background, he would be all needles or indifferent when talking about it, if at all. He was morally grey, so to say.

Simon, a shy brown haired and heterochromatic-eyed kid of 11 years old shared the other bunk bed with Alex who slept below him. Damian could see the strategic appeal, placing the weaker one in a harder to access place and giving yourself room to move quietly.
Alex's suggestion, no doubt.

Simon was silent, almost mute if you excused his mumbles.
He could sneak up on others or fly under the teachers' radar easily and had very nimble fingers also. He loved puzzles and played with a rubix cube in his free time. Damian deemed he could be a very good thief in the future. He could already pick locks and had adequate stealth training.
Though his obedience as well as above mentioned capabilities seemed to stem from living with strict parents.

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