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Prompt: Apparently, people with green eyes have a tight bond with nature.

After the fight with the Dollmaker Damian/ Robin had ran away from Bruce/ Batman when the latter accused him of killing the psycho that had kidnapped and amputated weapons onto children, robbing them of free will and a normal life while possibly having killed some of them in the process. Hell, even the League of Assassins never went that far!! They had praised good morals for a better world, just with twisted means. And this didn't even have a clear purpose, it wasn't with the children's consent. No, it was in the best interest of a cowards selfishness which they had to pay for.
And Damian knew that was plain wrong on so many levels he didn't need to be told. Robin had also tried to tell his father that it hadn't been him but another person with claws and suit that impaled and stole the heart of the Dollmaker.

Yes, he could have done it, he could and nearly would've, but the batarang in his hand was shaking. He was shaking with hesitance.
He had stopped, refrained from immediately disposing of his enemy like every other time, turned away and calmed himself by repeating his fathers teaching of Justice, not vengeance to himself. He was planning to spare the man while the other had tried to kill him. That was, until he was stopped - killed by someone else and choked on his own blood.
The dollmaker had aimed a sharp wooden spike in his hand at him when he collapsed, dead.

And seriously, there hadn't been any blood on Robin and the wound clearly couldn't have been made by him, no matter how vicious he might seem to many.
The heart wasn't even anywhere in sight, nor was there blood around Robin. It would've been obvious with snow around him, but it was a pristine white, sans around the corpse, which he was a few feet away from
If he had used his katana the heart would've still been in the chest - unless he tried to cut it out, in which case there would have been an even bloodier scene.

-But he hadn't.

Still, Batman had been too lost in disappointment and rage to realise all the evidence that proved his Innocence.
He could've even checked the video feed of Robin's mask!!
Even before, when they had teamed up in the warehouse and he told his son to remember his moral code over the coms ("Remember, Justice-" "-not vengeance.") showing that he didn't trust him.... Even despite that, Damian had finished it, showing he constantly kept his fathers words in mind, respecting his teaching. He even gave his word of honor to not do anything.

And he'd kept it for the past few months too.

...It seemed like whenever he runs off to chase after someone, e.g. their current target, and they wind up dead or incapacitated or something he always gets blamed first even if he's doing his best to reform to his fathers ideals and wishes.

-But it seems it's been to no avail.

So, to get some distance between them as his father was very angry at him and he was so very tired of justifying himself to him, to others, to everybody, (and wasn't that the kicker?) he ran away. Batman didn't even follow after him, remaining where he stood.
The elder even left the scene without him after gathering any other suspicious clues, taking care of the abducted and dying children (that Damian had found) and having the state police pick them up.

He obviously thought that Robin could somehow manage to follow him back to Gotham on his own even if he took the Batmobile, given that the Batwing had returned to the cave on autopilot after dropping him off at the nearby warehouse.

He had left Robin alone in an abandoned, snowy, freezing cold and uninhabited city. Unaware of the killer that had been there. And expected him to get to 60 miles (~97km) away Gotham on his own when literally no car, phone or gas station worked or went there.

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