Prince to Prince

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It was Damian's first time meeting the Joker without Batman or anyone else accompanying him.
Well, that is to say, he gave Batman the slip and was now captured by the Crime Prince of Gotham.

He wasn't scared though.
In fact, this was perfect.

If anyone should be scared it should be him and his goons who made the simple mistake of thinking that they caught him. Speaking of the bumbling fools:

"Well, well, well, if it isn't a cute little birdy~ Did you loose daddy Batsy?"

The clown was face to face with him while he was chained to a metal chair.

Robin held eyecontact without as much as a twitch while looking back at him, his usual scowl marred his features while the clowns yellowish teeth and bad breath was putrid to look at.

Robin scrunched up his nose:
"I sure hope so. Otherwise one of us would be in trouble should he find out that I am with you.
I almost pity Hood for having been captured by you before with your bad breath being his last memory. Though, in any case, getting a much needed dentist appointment in Arkham would be the least of your conc-"

The Joker smacked him with an crowbar, shutting him up before he let out his 'creepy' laugh.

Honestly, was that supposed to scare him? Damian wondered.

"Batsy doesn't scare me!!"

Damian spit a bloody tooth at his captors' shoes: "I wasn't referring to Batman. Neither Hood."

Joker gave the boy a challenging grin: "Oooh~ then what do you possibly think could scare me?"

Robin returned the others' grin with a maniac one that basically screamed 'you begged for this'.
His eyes gained a new, sadistic, glint that had already sent a dozen men to hell: "If not the fact that there is a betting pool over who's gonna kill you among every villain ranging from Gotham to Metropolis with Harley and Red Hood being the top contenders..."

Joker's eye twitched at that, his smile faltering at its corners while he suppressed a heavy gulp. He had heard a rumor or two about that...

He was snapped out of his thoughts by the rattling of chains that resounded throughout the warehouse.

Robin's white teeth were now on full display as his grin turned downright infernal, like the sheshire cats, mirroring what he usually preferred to show his victims: "Then someone who's kill count is only second to Deathstroke and Ra's Al Ghul."

"Hahaha hahahahahaha-!!! And who would that be, your savior, lost little birdie?! Your daddy doesn't like murderers!!"

His following, echoey laugh stopped when he actually received an answer.

He didn't expect to get one.
After all, which killer would rescue a hero?

"Easy. Me."

Robin jumped on the Joker as the man let out a surprised and squeaky scream like a hoarde of caught rats. But he squeezed his suits fly out the same instant as if clutching at his very heart. His scream was replaced by laughter as Jokergas poured out of it.

...There was no secondary laughter following the smoke.
Not even a grunt of pain or heavy breathing.

Through the green smoke he could identify the outline of Robin who was not laughing, despite having been hit point blank. Instead, the boy went and uppercutted his chin, making him fall backwards and put off the eerie smoke the body followed him out of with calm steps and an unbothered expression.

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