A Bat Or..?

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Damian loved to patrol, solo or not. But this one could go to hell.
And he meant that it could take the express train out of his life. Why?

Damian was on a solo patrol, and then he found a scientist that imbecile Drake had on his list of people.

So what did he do?

Follow the guy to one-up Drake once more, obviously.

Well, turned out that didn't go exactly as he'd planned. He blamed some sense of Karma for that. When he realized he was founfld out the bastard had ran and, when he'd caught up with him, managed to inject him with an unknown serum which hurt not only his pride but also made his blood feel like fire was bursting through his veins.
The man then proceeded to escape while he was caught off-guard and writhing on the floor.

Before he even realised it, he met the pavement and blacked out.

Which brought him to his current and very unpleasant problem.

Thankfully, the serum wasn't poison, which, he might've actually preferred given his current state. He was scowling with his face all scrunched up.
He wanted to click his tongue, but instead a rumbling sound came out of his throat.

Yes, he very much hated this (though was secretly tempted to enjoy it).

The maniac had turned him into a fucking furry. And he meant that as in turned him into an animal, not dressed him up in a catsuit.
He was, in the truest sense, quite literally a black leopard. An excellent specimen too, objectively speaking.

He always wanted to own a large feline predator, but becoming one was not on his wish-list to Grayson

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He always wanted to own a large feline predator, but becoming one was not on his wish-list to Grayson. Not like this at least.

He tried to prop himself up as usual, back legs straightening and faceplanting as he didn't use his forearm--legs to carry his middle. He landed on the face a few times before he found his balance.

After that was done he checked himself over, noting that he was around his usual height, which was still large for the wildcat.
He was above average size even (and he could only thank whatever other entity was out there that he wasn't a small kitten). He'd have more problems then seeing as he's in Gotham and a small cat without protection wouldn't last long alone. He didn't want to become pancake, switzer cheese, burnt or worse, adopted by some strangers. So, having a bigger form upped his chance of going home without any of that happening.

He also noted how his tail swished without his command - agitated. And as couldn't figure out how to make it stop he let it be. Additionally, his senses became sharper, his ears turned to every direction, playing attention to his surroundings and looking for threats (or, perhaps, prey).
What he could work with were the claws as they moved in and out by reflex, like he could flex them naturally. At least the animals naturally given instincts would help him to some degree....
Which would imply that the DNA was altered to make that work.. He should look at Drake's report in detail when he gets the chance later.

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