A Game, Or It Should've Been...

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Not really about Damian but why not? Saw this gem of an idea on Pinterest and thought: Why not make a oneshot about this?

(Identity Reveal didn't happen, The JL knows that Batman has a lot of sidekicks, Jason is alive and Damian is Robin.)


Batman had played with the thought of finally revealing his identity to the other leaguers, considering they don't know his or each others' but he still knew theirs in spite of that.

He didn't think the decision would be made for him in a simple game. Perhaps he should've expected as much, irony loved to mess with him and seeing as he toyed around with the other leaguers secret identities this was somewhat fair yet petty revenge.


To pass the time, him, the Batfam and JL were playing 'fuck, marry, kill' while having to choose their targets from either the participants or celebrities that they know of.

The Batfam as a whole raised a collective brow - visible or not  - when Green Arrow said he'd wanna fuck Oliver Queen; like the guy wasn't talking about himself when he said that!!

The game was going alright somewhat right until it was Superman's turn.
He - shut up Jason! - said he would raw Bruce Wayne, marry Louis Lane (they already are tho??) and kill Lex Luthor.

The Bats were loosing it from murderous intentions to hysterical laughing, primarily represented by Robin and Hood, while Batman remained still, letting the realisation wash over him that his colleague and best friend just said he'd fuck him without knowing he said so infront of him.
The fact that most of the other Leaguers nodded their head in understanding was not making it better (for him, his family's lungs or Clark).

Red Robin had choked on his n-th of the day coffee and was now holding on to a heaving Red Hood so that was also concerning. Nightwing had flat out landed on his back, rolled over onto his stomach and was pounding the floor, legs swinging back and forth, giggling like his high-school crush had asked him out to prom. Lastly, Robin seemed a plethora of things, as usual: impassive, disturbed and, also as per the usual, murderous. Considering he knew Damian stashed Kryptonite that might be a valid threat, which the rest of his brood could definitely back up as well in 5-20 seconds depending on their hysteria.

The fact that Green Arrow, whom he knew was a millionaire model –again, jokes on him if not just for the fact they'd met in civvy– was not even disagreeing with them or defending him was both insulting and cowardly.
Or maybe he was somewhat jealous nobody else had said his Alter-Ego's name so far, though he doubted it was that.

Then Robin (Damian, 14), whom had told Red Robin to choke on his spit if it at all enabled him to kill himself with it, volunteered to go next. And what he said was... certainly less than amusing but not unexpected.
He said he would fuck Superboy (Jon, whom was accompanying his dad) causing cringing faces, marry Nightwing and kill Superman -as well as Red Robin.

He then went into extensive detail over how exactly he would make their deaths either fast, slow and or excruciatingly painful before Nightwing and Batman cut him off... Hood had thrown in commentary of how to improve his tactics, methods and what wouldn't work... as if speaking from experience.

The Justice League was looking at the kid (,adolescent & their mentor) horrified. How often were either of them thinking of, considering or planning murder?!

-They didn't know both had already followed through with some of them and killed even more than that. Neither why Hood agreed with a kid on the Kill-part. Though, personally, he said he "had nothing against Uncle Supes."

...Did that mean they were planning one of their own's death? In front of them??

The JL sideglanced each other before landing an inquisitive and united stare on Batman.

The big bat grumbled/ sighed, deciding to go next instead of commenting on his family's situation. Smart decision as, to resolve theirs, was likened to a strand of hay lost on Apokalypse; he wouldn't go searching for an explanation that could be invalid - if not unnecessary in approximately 12 hours. However, before he began he got a snide idea, the edge of his lips curling upwards.

Martina Manhunter, Green Arrow, Flash and Superman flinched, getting strange and visible goosebumps at the sight.

Bruce quietly asked Dick & Tim, who'd both calmed down from their earlier laughing fit (thankfully not caused by gas): "Should I play along or emotionally scar them?"

Hood, without having been asked to or looked at, scoffed and threw in his own opinion: "As if you don't already do that with everyone around you for years, old man."

After some debate, and a glare thrown at Hood who responded in kind by flipping him off, he started: "I would fuck nobody present, marry Catwoman and commit suicide."

The Gotham vigilantes besides Batman did not appear to be surprised, some (Hood) even supported his last choice with an 'understandable'.
Some of them had a dark idea for his first choice though, glancing at their youngest bat... Technically speaking, Talia wasn't present yet also a wideliy-known 'celebrity'.
A criminal celebrity. A VIP.
Plus, all things considered and her background put aside, she was attractive. Dangerous, but attractive from a neutral point of view.

"Uuuhm, Bat's? That's not how you play the game." The Flash, Barry Allen, began, looking at the Bat with confusion and pity. He was contemplating on wether or not the man even knew how to play 'games'.

"Then let me be frank."

"You can do that?" Nightwing sounded mock-surprised before he turned on his brother, seemingly reading his thoughts "Also, we talked about the death in the family thing as well as joking about your own" chided Nightwing, in that strange disappointed-stern mother™ tone he picked up who knows when and where.

Bruce threw a tired frown-glare at his eldest, asking him to please behave with his brothers, even though he knew it was futile and wasted effort.
And technically, he was basically offering them prime hunting grounds to antagonise him during work all they could. Nonetheless, he was still at work and not in the mood to have his image ruined (more than it already was at least).

Bruce slowly sized them all up: "On all accounts, this is on you."

What happened next made even Superman stop his signature press "I'm ready for anything" smile and shriek in abdominal horror.

Batman. Took off. His cowl.

revealing the very same, internationally known multi-billionaire playboy a few of them said they'd fuck for money, looks & cute personality (his 'Brucie Wayne' persona).

While they were speeding/morphing/ flying/ fleeing out of the room with horrified banshee screams echoing after them, the Bats and Birds of Gotham were looking at each other, laughing and/ or dry-heaving and erupting into another fit of giggles everytime they looked at where the 'mightiest heroes of earth' had sat and their mentor still was. Or caught sight of each other, that also worked to set them off.

It was mostly laughing in the case of the batkids and exasperated sighing in Bruce's. He then tapped into the Watchtower's audio system and said the following in his dark and menacing Batman™ voice: "I know where you all live."

The others took it as a threat, and ever since then fuck, marry, kill - truth or dare being up for a very heated debate - was banned in the Watchtower or at least without any Bat involved.

Superman aka Clark, was still feeling self-conscious the next few times he stood in the same area as Batman and or saw/ heard something like Wayne, which, considering his day-time job as a news reporter, was impossibly hard to avoid. Bruce took to giving him glances that were either trademark 'Brucie' or 'Batman' to entertain himself with his reactions. Was it petty? Absolutely. Was it deserved? Who knows, he's a crime fighter, not the law.

Meanwhile, Tim had saved the recording to not only the batcomputet but his private computer. He was so showing it to the others next time. Or use it for blackmail against the League.

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