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Batman was taking Robin to the Watchtower to introduce him to the founding Leaguers. Nightwing and Red Robin were already there, waiting for their father and younger brother's arrival.

However, when Batman arrived at their meeting point and Red Robin asked him where Robin was... Batman finally realized that his youngest son was gone from his spot right next to him. Their first conclusion was that he had sneaked off at some point, so they split off to search for the missing bird.

Meanwhile, Damian/ Robin, in actual childlike glee, wonder, fascination - whatever you may call it - had gotten lost in the tower while marveling and analysing his father's design of the construction.
What's more, he could identify some of it to have a similar layout to the League of Assassins, who's headquarter was nothing short of a deadly fortress.
His father had truly taken extensive measures to make the Watchtower Earth's first line of defense, along with the Justice League that got to work with him.

"Hey, little guy, who are you?"

Robin twitched, his permanent scowl turning sour.
Which imbecile dared to call me that!! How is it so hard to comprehend that I am simply horizontally challenged for my age!

Robin turned around, his fierce glare landing on a man in green.
"Green Lantern. I should've guessed that it could've only been a fool."

Hal frowned, What's with this twerp?: "You didn't answer my question."

"Because it would serve no purpose."

"Then what's your purpose?"

The kid scoffed at him before he flashed a (strangely familiar) mirthful smirk at him, holding something between his fingers.

"Hmmm, I do wonder if this is of any importance."
He twirled the Green Lantern Corps ring in his hand casually, glancing at the Lantern with a smug expression.

Hal's eyes widened, his suit disappearing without the ring to power it's presence: "Hey!!?"
He lunged at the (decidedly) enemy, the ring glowing as he did.

Damian let go of it, the object floating where he'd dropped it.

Hal reached out to grab it (while having an increasingly weird sense of Deja vu)...!

But instead of the ring zooming back to him as it normally did it went towards Robin, who's eyes widened in surprise.
He promptly dodged to evade the alien tech that was suddenly going after his head. Seeing no other option when it continued to follow him he ran from it, trying to loose the darn thing while he spit curses no underage person (-sans Todd) should know.


Batman, Nightwing and Red Robin's search for their missing member had so far bore no result. Nightwing was searching while also asking others if they've seen an adorable kid, to which they denied with a negative. Though Superman offered his assistance in searching for the lost boy.

Batman searched by himself, scrutinizing every hallway and room he passed with a critical look that made the Leaguers he passed -namely Flash and Green Arrow- instinctively move out of his way and line of sight.

Red Robin didn't really look for him, he wasn't that concerned about finding the brat.
He rather texted Steph and the others how Damian had slipped Bruce's watch and was now haunting the tower.
Steph, Barbara and Hood each replying with an "I would've done the same", "He should've expected this" and "Is anyone dead yet?"

...He really should be more concerned about letting Damian alone and unattended. He could start an apokalypse by himself simply being in the Watchtower.
It had a lot of weapons after all. All of which being able to deal a colossal amount of damage.
And all of those within Damian's reach?

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