Child Or Robin?!

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I trained to kill, I trained to spy,

Try to stop me, Prepare to die,

You may be old or young,

But this is the will of the lost Robin.

As a child, Forced to fight.
My whole existence, A sacrifice.

On our own since time began,
we say no more!
Now we fight for ourselves.

The world gets split between adults and kids again. But this time the split is with those above age 2 and under the age of 14.  Meaning only toddlers, kids and middle schoolers were there. Furthermore leaving Robin as the only superhero left in the world of children as he was 12 years old.

Reasonably, the 'adult' world is panicking, freaking out because of the missing children. Even Batman couldn't hide his worry! Sadly, they couldn't send Billy to communicate in between them again as he was already 16, same as Tim. The Batclan was in turmoil, they had to get things and their youngest Robin back after he quite literally faded like dust from the batcave. They'd visibly (mostly Dick) went borderline hysteric at the sight.

Tim had dropped his mug after noticing with a jolt that the others (who weren't sleep-deprived enough to be hallucinating) saw him disappear as well.
Jason had screamed something that would cost him around 10$ for the swear jar and Nightwing had ran towards the disappearing Robin who had his arms crossed and was grumbling over one thing or another. Though, judging from the recordings, he'd panicked only when he saw Nightwing run towards him, as if he hadn't noticed his body disappearing into another fucking dimension.

Which is what a hysteric Dick told Batman via coms during a Justice League meeting. Batman was frowning very deeply while his fingers where playing a consonata at the table. He was agitated, is what his colleagues inferred from that. And they were getting progressively nervous-anxious from that.
It was the Batman version of freaking out! They were in serious trouble!

What they didn't know was that Robin, after witnessing them disappearing like smoke from his sight, had a contingency plan at the ready and was already setting it into motion. He had to, considering the last/ first time this happened he was 6 years old and left alone at the league of Assassins for about 3 days.

His plan of action set in order, he began his work. He hacked into Mt. Justice and the Watchtower to see if the cause lied there or any other heroes were still present, omly to be disappointed. Nothing that indicated or narrowed down the cause. Ok, maybe the cause was in the adult world.

Damian the took ahold of every newsfeed station, like the old YJ-Team had done, and main-routed it to the Batcomputer.
He set it on standby observations to alert him of any threats. Then, he went to his suits locker and took out a black choker with a big green gem in the middle and, after taking a deep breath, put it on.

The gem began to whirr and let out a bright light.

»Connect and control« he ordered. Damian's eyes suddenly glowed a bright green-blue and the image of the Batcave faded from his eyes. Instead, he saw the world, every part of the world he focused his attention on. Children were confused and calling for their parents while some of the older kids, evidently none above the age of 14, seemed to recall a similar scenario and tried to calm the others down like they had been in the past.
He willed the very air to land the pilot-less planes and water to dampen the speed of trains to a stop. He stopped possible accidents and disasters due to the disappearance of adults via help of his control over nature, thanks to the jewel.

»Duplicate« he commanded.
Doppelgängers of Robin showed up in every town and moved to follow his instructions.
A mechanic movement to ensure he wouldn't have an information overload.

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