World Heroes Day

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For World Heroes Day, a day where the heroes of earth would be openly appreciated, a new event was set in place. People could submit a play or songs and recordings of them.
Those submissions would then be presented as a performance in a broadcasting news studio or on the stage where their hero would be. As such, there would be a lot of performances. All heroes would be in one city and thus witness how much the citizens of the world supported them. And it wasn't just the big heroes of the JL, but also their sidekicks, protoges and associates were allowed on stage. The cities rotated each year so that it was held in all fairness. (Even if Batman glared at everyone when it was held in Gotham, which, fair.)

Damian and Jon's schools participated in that event and as such both boys submitted songs for their chosen hero (and dad). However, Damian had so much free time he wrote more than one song. Jon sneakily put those along into Damian's original submission after reading them over.
He later realised that his friend would murder him for it. But it would ruffle up the event, at least a little bit.

The songs Damian wrote were:
Catch Fire (Red Robin)
Born for This (Robin)
Do it Like A Dude (Spoiler & WW)
Courtesy Call (Batman)
The Resistence - Original
Finish Line (Flash)
Two Faced
Time of Dying
It has Begun
Legends Never Die (Red Hood)
Russian Roulette

The best part? Damian and him would already be there as Robin and Superboy along with the rest of the heroes. And most of them knew Robin's identity, since all of the Leaguers knew Batman's.

So in the early morning of the event he called Damian on the phone to tell him what he'd done, and boi was his friend gonna murder him. He even told him the torture methods he was gonna use on him in explicitly vivid detail.
Until Damian's phone must've been taken away and Jon heard a muffled voice telling Damian to 'be nice' today. Yep, he could imagine Damian's face sporting a twitching eye at that moment.
He could only hope Batman kept all the kryptonite away today and out of Damian's reach.

Which he apparently did.

Robin was practically tied by an invisible leash seeing as how he'd go back to Batman after being told so via com or receiving an even deeper frown from him, something most belived to be impossible with his glare already there. Robin was scowling more than usual and it didn't take long for the Batclan to notice that a Super was the target of his anger.
As for Jon, he kept close to his dad and brother Conner who asked him what he was so nervous about the whole time.

"I uhm, kind of, sort of, may or may not have submittedallofthesongsRobinmadewithouthispermission&nowhe'stryingtokillme."

Judging by the looks they gave him along with some other meta's they caught everything he said and were either disappointed in him or fearful of the wrath Batman's protégé would inflict upon him after this.

As the songs for each hero started Jon remembered that the other songs he'd submitted for Damian didn't have an intended hero. Thankfully, it seemed like those weren't a singular occurrence and they would be played by the end.

The Bat's shut up and openly stared at Robin when a song written for the [Gothamite Vigilantes by Damian Wayne] was announced and then played from a recording.
During the song the Bat's sneaked quiet commentary to the murderous bird.

"You wrote a song for us? I was not expecting that. At all. Ever."

"It's great Babybird!"

"Be honest, who did you threaten to make it?"

"Well done. It's nice."

Superman had later told Batman that a little more praise than that wasn't going to kill him. This was his response:
"You can't expect me to gift him something out in public like this. I'll come back to it once we're back in Gotham."

The Super had left it at that but gave him a warning to have his ears 'pointed' for later.

"Considering Batman's cowl that was a bad joke" muttered Conner.
Even I could only agree with that and it seemed even Batman was thinking of groaning at it.
Robin had just growled at my dad before managing to scare him off with a rock that was painted a luminiscent green--
Now that was a cruel joke.
Batman openly grinned at it, no doubt inflaming the press at the sight of a smiling batman, who allowed him to keep the stone. Meanwhile the other bats/ birds laughed at Superman's quick retreat upon having that stone pushed into his face. I was fairly certain I heard Flash and Green Lantern laughing about it, clearly having witnessed the thing like many over viewers.
It was probably an online hit already.

After the respective songs, including mine, were over and we'd sat down at a table in a restricted VVIP section (I've never felt so put on show) came the songs without a designated hero recepient. Though it could also be that they were for a specific hero but the writer didn't know their name.

When Damian's name was mentioned again I could hear a lot of people and heroes gasp.
Red Robin even dropped his coffee at the long table behind us. The Gothamites (Bat's) had one of the largest table, Batman having more associates than people believed and putting a few more tables together on the go.

After the first came the second, then the third, the fourth and fifth until it had been a total of 7 songs. The more often his name was mentioned the more heroes were staring at Robin or surprised by the songs content. It portrayed the life we keep hidden, something only another hero could possibly understand.

Robin just put up his hood and tried to avoid any eye-contact with everyone, primarily his family, staring either at the table or the distance with a sour expression (pouting).
Though it had been too late, they'd already seen his ears getting a red hue to them and by then it was clear: He'd written them himself. The audience was quiet until the first heroes clapped, among them being Wonder Woman, Superman, Arrow, Flash, Beast boy, Raven, Starfire, Batman who protected Gotham (Hell, all of Gotham's vigilantes stood up to applaud, even Hood and Catwoman!).
The entire place was filled with cheers and applause, seeing as how the heroes liked them despite the songs sometimes appearing unfitting to some.

"Uuh, guys? I can't believe I'm saying this, but I think Robin passed out from embarassment. For real." said Red Robin. Catwoman and a few chuckled while the rest exploded into heaving laughter.

I never expected him to react like that. I guess it was too much praise for him... doesn't mean that I was gonna be let off the hook though, knowing Damian.

After the event was over and Robin woke up he was surprised to see how happy his family was, some re-congratulated him.
He even received some positive feedback on the newschannel: The youngest Prince of Gotham, loved by our Heroes!

He only hoped the villains didn't misinterpret that and try to kidnap him in broad daylight. Speaking of daylight he hounded after Jon and made him work on extra homework. He also owed Damian 3 favors. All in all, it was torture, but he didn't regret his choice seeing as how he remembered his friend fainting from embarrassment in public.
He supposed his brothers and sisters were constantly teasing him about that, driving the young boy on the brink of bloody murder before he revived them again.

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