Animals 2

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It had been nearly 3 years after the death of the last Robin. Gotham hadn't seen a new bird rising to take to the skies since then and it seemed to stay that way. The Bats avoid the topic and any goon hinting at the topic would cause a reaction like the Red Hood has to the Joker: utter rage.

Dinah, Black Canary, had suggested group therapy for the bats, but had been otherwise declined sans those already taking it. Bruce carried himself with the poise of a man who'd disappointed everyone but himself, instead pushing himself into training and work as if he were compensating for something. Like a missing limb.
An attachment that had been ripped from him but belonged to him. Batman lost Robin.

Thalia had been informed and cut off all contact since then.
That was, until a single message arrived in the mail one morning:

The owls that struck down your pet bird had been dealt with.
Their nest annihilated by another predator of unknown origin.

It sounded weird but that was because it was in code, in case the post system was unreliable. Translated it meant that the Court of Owls were dead, down to their core without a trace of how/ why. A trace even Thalia Al Ghul with a murder empire hadn't picked up on.

Either the actual murderer(s) of his son were killed or those that had contributed to it.
At the very least it meant that Gotham had a deeply rooted enemy disappear overnight, without his notice. A force large enough to accomplish that but avoid his networks detection had infiltrated Gotham and committed a genocide without disturbance. It was a large scale assassination.

And if it wasn't Thalia seeking morbid vengeance for her discarded child then who did it and for what reason?

He brought the matter up to the JL, his kids and affiliates in Gotham accompanying him only because they wanted to know more about the Courts reported downfall.


"So... the Court of Owls are dead, all of them, for absolute certainty?" Clark asked once again for clarification.
They were slippery and to be so dead-sure over their annihilation was....

"I'd received coordinates after the message. The scene itself was carnage."

Pictures and recordings lit up the holoscreens.

Eyes widened.

Luxurious red carpets and large pillars consisting of marble, polished mahogany floors and raised podiums. And people, women, men and elders, wearing fine garments and accessories reaching from pearls, diamonds and exotic hairpins of which cost would exceed thousands of dollars along with pointed owl masks on their faces. The rooms were displayed along with fine showcases of art, ancient vases, few armory and fine sculptures.

But above all else, there was red and blue and their own stomachs were threatening to flip over.

Blood painted the wooded tiles into a deep dark black.
Carpets and the polished wooden and stone floors were covered in either glass, intestines or broken furniture, the former cutting through the materials and fraying the quality to resemble rugs at any garbage dump.

Chandeliers were either crashed or loosely hanging with people, blood dripping down in thick sticky strands.
The seats and tables seemed to have been broken by brute force, human bodies contorted with bite, slash and scratch marks making them indistinguishable.
There were no bullet holes, but that didn't hinder the holes made by sharp punctures particularly centered around the throat, legs or arms. There was no order to the mutilation of the bodies, they ranged through every order of horror films and more. Their clothes were torn from the bodies as if attempting to strip them bare to all their sins and air it out.

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