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Damian had kept it a secret since birth, even from his mother and grandfather.

-What? you may ask.

The fact that this wasn't his first life.

He has memories of another life... and world.
The reason he believes it to have been another world was that there was something this world didn't have... But they might also just be hiding.

Who they are..?

He had been one of them;
Flying beasts of myth that shook the continents and wrecked havoc among humans.
They ruled the world with their profound and sheer overwhelming strength, fireproof hides and power.

They were known and feared as beasts, as Dragons.

He was what was referred to as the unholy offspring of lightning and death, a Nightfury, by the humans of that world, which had been Vikings.

So yeah, he knew some old norse even Drake wouldn't know of.

Though, it seems the title of 'unholy offspring of death' still stuck with him since, well -
He was conceived by his mother basically raping his father and said mother training him to become an assassin, a killer.
Thankfully it wasn't that difficult for him. Him having been an 'animal' that had killed humans before made him have near zero regret about doing it again.
The part that did regret it was that they were the same species now and those who hadn't done anything against him to deserve death, neither were they food.
But he quickly learned that he still needed to kill in order to survive in the LOA. If you couldn't kill you were useless and disposed of, even as an Al Ghul.

But he also held no attachment to his mother. Sure, up until he was about a couple of winters old she had been a semblance of maternal but that stopped when she had him train and kill.
It had also been the first time he questioned her sanity, especially when he (an 4 y.o. kid) was requested to climb a mountain without any support. Even dragon younglings aren't left alone to fend for themselves at that age, especially not when hunter by enemies.

He'd really wished he had his wings or scales back then.
At least to dampen his fall, it had caused his wrist to break. He had cursed in old norse and, surprisingly, could feel his bones slowly shifting back into place and muscles mending themselves, light thrumming from within the skin. He was shocked at the sight, but decided to investigate it when he was absolutely sure that no one was looking.
He had then made it to the top, not freezing anymore and his eyes a slitted green. The glow had disappeared when his hand was completely back to normal and the wind was no longer obscuring his vision.

He started to wonder if he had retained some of his original abilities from that point on.


His first human kill was swift, on both of their accounts he'd say.
He'd known and re-learned where to strike to make a body stop moving, so he'd decapitated a woman when he was barely 6. It was over fast, for both him and his victim.

He had received praise that time.

Before that, he'd been scolded because he didn't want to use a sword or weapon to kill.
Truth be told it wasn't because he was a pacifist, cause he knew he wasn't - he tries, but that's eclipsed by his protective personality -, it was because of the method. He felt awkward with using something that wasn't his claws or fangs to kill something. He'd gotten used to it when he looked at it as 'external and/ or expendable claws'.

When he was 9 y.o. he was sent on his year of blood, during which he killed and killed again and secretly trained his other skills too.

He'd discovered what he could secretly do during that year:
- Nightvision (apparently uncommon for humans),
- tough skin,
- fire immunity,
- sonar hearing,
- enhanced senses,
- enhanced stamina,
- his OG strength (lift a car),
- lightning speed + resistance,
- greater stealth at Night,

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