Games And Challanges

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It had started as a slight contest among the original YJ team and then spread to their newer members until their mentors and the JL chose to participate.

It was similar to a competition, test of skills, duel and festival.
They set up small stands with food and a broadcasting platform that showed their and the other location's events.

Besides the food there were duels among the participants (if they signed up), testing rings in various fields and normal games like whack a mole, karaoke and ballgames. They could also hold small bets and competitions among themselves at the various attractions.

Hence when Batman and Nightwing went to leave they remembered something.

Who'd watch Damian in their absence?

So they'd taken him along.

The superfam would also be there so Robin and Superboy could have some fun on their own. Not knowing that the Supersons had later joined up with Billy Batson at a food stand, brought Collin Wilkes along as a guest (the boy had freaked out a little over the assortment of heroes) and placed bets over some heroes competing against each other.

Damian had bet that his brothers would win against most non-powered heroes and even meta's, which - look and behold - he was pretty spot on about. What was funny was that there was a literal rule about Superman and Batman not being allowed to fight each other.

But that rule hadn't stopped Damian and Jon from going against each other as a 'training exercise'. They did agree to not 'break bones or use stones' aka no internal injury or kryptonite.

Let's just say it could've gone longer than 30min but then they'd been dragged apart by their brothers, meaning Kon and Tim who made them join a classic round of Truth or dare. Diana was, along with Barry Allen and Hal Jordan, the judge and she would, when one chose truth, make them hold her lasso of truth for fair play.

During the game, Jon & Collin had been surprised to find out that Billy was actually Shazam as the other transformed to 'show whose sidekick he was'.
The Flash couldn't hold his laughter at the question knowing full well Billy had been a leaguer the whole time. He was probably the best disguise of a Superhero among them. Sans Batman, who nobody would've been able to figure out. Even Diana's lasso made him say he was Batman and Superman's X-ray couldn't see through his lead armour no matter how often he'd tried.
It had a specific reflective surface from what he could tell so that was that and he didn't want to risk getting into contact with kryptonite.
He wasn't necessarily interested in his identity back then after all. Maybe more so for his job but that's it.

Anyway, Nightwing had joined the game, firmly wedging himself between Damian and Tim who had their respective Super pressed into their other side. So besides the 4 Leaguers were 4 Bats (Spoiler joined sometime in-between), 2 Supers, 2 Speedsters (Kid Flash and Impulse), Miss Martian who sat next to Kon's other side and Collin, making 15 people in total.

The truth or dare was decided via spinning a bottle.
The person who got to choose was decided clockwise, so everyone got a turn. The one whose turn it was then had to spin the bottle and the person it pointed to got to decide on a question or a dare for them.
If that person had neither they could spin the bottle and make another person choose instead.

One time it was Collin's turn and the bottle landed on Impulse. Collin was dared to prank his 'master/ teacher'.
The boy had gotten a stark sheen of sweat, his eyes trailing to Robin's silent form who was scrunching his scowl at him.

"Wait, Nightwing is your teacher?" Wally asked, looking between the kid and his best friend. He hadn't heard about the other taking a student under his wing (pun intended).

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