Bonding Teams

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Damian had been taught everything deemed necessary for him at the League of Assassins, from killing to cooking his own food, torture, fighting, shooting, swords, stealth, mathematics, languages, economics - nearly everything.

What he wasn't taught was something kids his age naturally learned: being loved and how to love, how precious life and love is, social skills, singing, dancing... How to play and have fun peacefully, not while on a hit or when killing other's older/ bigger than him.

He wasn't taught how to be a kid.

But that changed when he met his paternal family, the bats and birds and later the Teen Titans as well as Superboy. And he would be lying that it wasn't nice to spend time with or talk to them, unless they were being unbearable like Beast Boy or Blue Beetle.
He sometimes clashed with their personality. If he had to say, he got along the most with Jon and Raven.

One day, he and the Titans went to the Watchtower to familiarize with the other heroes of the JLA. Unbeknownst to them and the other party, the Young Justice team was also there.
When they arrived via boomtube Nightwing and Red Robin were coming out of the zeta tubes.
Garfield had taken one look at Red Robin and the nerve to ask if 'they could switch Robins'.

Damian had asked his oldest brother where the nearest training room was and quickly went to teach Beast Boy a lesson of never daring to speak like that about him again. The others had followed after them to watch, two of which to make sure he wouldn't kill the other accidentally.

"So there are two Robin's??"

"How many are there actually??"

"The demon down there is the 5th Robin."

They looked at Tim.


"How many kids were actually taught by Batman?! I thought he was the 'I work alone'-type o' guy."

Dick and Tim exchanged a look that portrayed pure humor and amusement upon Wally's question, before they broke out into fits of laughter right where they stood-well, with buckled knees and holding their sides as if their lungs were gonna pop.

"Well~ There are actually a lot of vigilantes in Gotham besides us. There are around 12 now, and your Robin, aka Timbo over here, is actually called Red Robin there. The one decimating Beast Boy right now is the current Robin and youngest among us."

A look of surprise flashed among those present, even Connor and Artemis. There were barely more than 4 heroes in Superman and Green Arrow's cities but Gotham had over 10?!

...Well it was Gotham, so..
It kinda made more sense than Batman managing his city by himself all of the time. He was still human after all. Though he probably had a plan for doing that if it came to it. Definitely.

"How young are we talking? He looks like... 9?"

"He's 11, just a gremlin who's still waiting for some magical growth spurt to bit him."

"Wow, ok, I was unaware Batman recruited that young... But why is this one..."

Aqualad couldn't find the right word, comparing their teams own Robin to the newly discovered one.

"More violent?" inquired Jaime and Connor.

"Deadly?" asked Wally & Artemis.

"With major anger issues comparable with Batman's paranoia?" chimed Tim.

He got looks from both teams.

"-more like Batman? He has the same scowl and glare and this weird... Similarity."

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