Fate Marks Pt. 2

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Damian had indeed participated in dinner that day, much to the shock of his brothers. However, to no surprise, they didn't really talk. Dick tried but it was clear Damian wouldn't really entertain a conversation, even with his favorite brother. Not to mention they were too exhausted, having been vigilant like that & awake for more than 2 days. (Turned out that Tim hadn't slept since that TV announcement. What. A. Shocker.)

As for Damian, he only asked basic stuff. What they'd done during those hours, what's gonna happen to Jon, etc. while not talking too much about what he did or thought about it. It made them tense or self-debate how they could answer that without upsetting him. Needless to say, considering their state and expertise in emotional discussions, or rather lack of, it came out crude and almost like an apology. Though, to be fair, first Damian didn't know about it the event, then he was left out on the mission, then his only friend was socially stripped from him and now they were sure he was an emotionally ticking bomb regarding the subject.
For them it was already a surprise Selina was as uninjured as she came when she left.

From time to time they would glance at him, when they thought he or no one else was looking. Which, being trained by the bat (and/or more) didn't work so well.

They were expecting him to explode any minute or have an emotional outlash, maybe even a breakdown, thinking his pride wouldn't stand for what happened to Jon as he, a half-alien, not only had a mark but also got one of the strongest. The mix could be considered overpowered too, considering kryptonians were fueled by the sun, which Jon had become the personified host of.
In other words, not only were his usual powers unlimited but he had additional strength fueling it. He'd be fine even when separated from it!! Which also begged the question if his usual weakness, kryptonite, would still be effective seeing as the sun's energy wouldn't weaken. It would be opposite forces, poison vs power.

Bottomline, either of those marks were something he could only dream of as he had neither one mark despite being of earth origins. Theoretically, if Jon could be regarded as a King with his marks, then Damian would be non existant, below a pebble or atom of sand.

Truthfully, Damian felt insulted at their lack of insight regarding him. Although he was aware just how educated his family was in that department - and he meant his entire family, so his maternal one was included in that statement.

At present, he felt an emptyness where he knew his friendship with Jon was. He took a deep inhale and exhaled, slumping into his seat. Was this loneliness? Loosing your best friend to others? To the world around you?
Then again, he had thought that, for a boy like Jon, he wouldn't be enough. So this scenario was kind of expected... It had just been a matter of time, hadn't it?

Damian jolted, realising how he sounded - weak- before he straightened himself, disgarding his bad posture.

Tim (who was on his 20th coffee) had dropped his fork when he saw the 'demon spawn' slouching like a puppy with its favorite toy taken away. That, or a love sick girl.

Neither image suited the batbrat.

Jason had given an inquisitive glance around the room, asking 'is this really happening?'

Dick responded with a shrug, his face twisting in a way that said he didn't have a fricking clue and was extremely concerned.

Bruce was still stuck with that frown that said  I'm thinking about it but not gonna say what it is yet or going to intervene. Honestly, they often wished the man would just talk so they could all plan together. They weren't mind-readers!! Though experts in body language and a few others. But that point aside, no one really could talk or knew what to say. They were all ready for bed.

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