Lie With Me last part

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People say when your dear ones go away from your life it leaves void and desperation of loneliness the same condition manav is going through today. When he got up all the things were smooth he done his morning chores like regular days.But when he reached his dad room his full being shattered as he found out his dad is no more in the world . his whole reality came to  hault he was speechless  to see the lifeless body of his dad .he goes near his dad and hugged him .
Mnv: dad ——- dad why why you left me why . What will i do without you why you left me.
He was crying incoherently ,After sometime he called his neighbors and even he tried calling unnati but she was busy with a new guy whom she met just few mins back.
Manav and his neighbors took his dad to near by crematory to do his last rituals .they put his dad body inside a coffin after bathing his body and made him wear a new pair of suit . Manav put his gold chain in his hand as a token of love and all put soil over his dad's coffin and buried him down . Manav sit down near his dad tomb . He was still crying remembering his dad and their old times and he was Inn tears again . Whereas Unns was making out with the new guy in near by hotel washroom. .
Manav around evening reached his house , around same time unnati also came to his house .
Unns : hey mnv whats up
Manav looked at her he was angry 😡 and she was blank why he was angry o
Mnv: when i was calling you where were you.
Unns: i was in my office
Mnv: you really think i will buy your lie .
Unns: but i m telling you the truth .
Mnv: ohh shut up just shut up i saw you by my own eyes with another guy.
Unns: yeah i was with a new guy why you are reacting so much .
Mnv: i asked you to be with me , i thought if my dad left then also i will have you with me . I called you so many times today when i wanted you , you are just busy with your flings .
Unns: yes i was with new fling , i didnt asked you to start a relationship , i dont believe in relationships .it was you who trying to bind me .
Mnv: what from so many days we were together i thought we can be something but today you broke all just go away from here just go away .
Unns: but listen to me we can start afresh . Not as couple but we can be .
Mnv slaps her
Mnv: d ont want to see your face go from here .

After 3 months

Manav have joined as journalist in a daily bugle whereas Unns shifted with her mother to a new locality . Manav in between this three months tried alot to search for unnati he was guilty and sorry also to treat unnati badly . Whereas Unnati tried her best to move on from the manav episode but she is stuck in him . She was guilty that she was with someone else when he needed her the most . Unnati got to know about the demise of manav's dad from manv's ex girlfriend. She want to be there with him but their last encounter just hinder her to go back to him .
Unnati in this few months changed many flings , she again started to remain frustrated in her life and here the sadness of not having manav is killing her even more .
1 week later
Unnati met her very old friend in her house they gossiped , done a night out every thing was fun .her best friend is getting married in the next week sunday so she came to invite unnati in her wedding . Unnati may runaway from relationships but she is very happy for her best friend as she is getting married to the love of her life .
Unnati was just waiting for the day when she can go as a. Bridesmaid in her friends wedding .
next Sunday
Unnati got ready into a floral dress and she tied her hair with ribbon and bought a bouquet for her friend . She took her cycle and ride it towards the church . Here manav was lost in his thoughts he was sitting on his car bonet and thinking about unnati only . When he registered he saw unnati . He gone towards his car ignited it and start to follow her . Unnati felt someone is following her . When she saw it was manav she paced her bicycle speed and ran fast to reach the church . She left her cycle out side the church and ran inside even manav done the same ran behind her . There she gone and stand behind her friend as her bridesmaid . The rituals of marriage was going on after few minutes the couple was declared married so unnati gave her bouquet to her friend and ran again from the church , manav start to follow her again , unnati reach her house and tried to lock the doors when manav entered with her .
Unns: what you want , why you following me now .
Mnv: i i m sorry unnati i was wrong .
Unns: please go from here.
Mnv: no not this time .
Unns: you stay i will only leave.
Unns was going towards her room but manav pulled her in his arms caging her fully in his arms .
She is trying to get free but his hold was tight.
Unns: leave me manav , you wanted me to leave na that day , i did why you are here now.
Mnv: yes i asked you but i wasnot able to get over you , i know why coz i fallen in love with you from day 1 , i used to feel jealous if you are with someone else . I sent you away just to stop this jealous feeling. Please come back
Unns: its too late i cant come back . I have moved on .
Mnv saw she is hiding her eyes from him.
Mnv: tell the truth i can see my touch is still make you crumple .
He goes more close to her neck and kisses there .unns closed her eyes. Tell me doesnt it effect you .
Unns: no it doe— snt ,she stammered
Mnv : say you are still effected .
Unns pulled him close and just smshed her lips with him and they deepen the kiss with time . It was one hell passionate kiss which they never shared before . Their intimacy ,lust have turned into happy tears of love for each other .
Unns: yes i have fallen for you manav , i love you only you . You are my complete dream of my lust and intimacy . I lie with many but you are one which satisfied my thirst of lust, love and intimate
They again pressed lips to a seer soothing kiss.


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