Chapter 1

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Syn's POV
I enter the car with Nelly T and Cory and I am thrilled to be on this season of the Challenge because this time I have a trick up my sleeve that no one will see coming. This is the first time ever on the Challenge that I did not talk to anyone and that was because I did not want conversations used pre game to come back and bite me. According to the outside world, I have been in the studio every day either filming acting scenes or creating music with myself or friends. Nelly begins a conversation in the car that I have not wanted to have since our season finished airing.

Nelly: Syn! How's being engaged and successful?

Syn: Nelly! C-Daddy!

Cory: I hate it when you call me that.

Syn: Why? Because you're the DILF of the show?

Cory begins to blush and Nelly and I start laughing at him to the point where Cory hits us to get us to stop.

Cory: Ok it was not that funny.

Syn: Awww. You look so cute when you're trying to act tough.

Nelly: As much as I love teasing Cory, you are avoiding my question.

Syn: What question?

Cory: How is engaged life, bro?

Syn: I wouldn't know.

Both: What?!?!?!

Cory: Please tell me you're joking.

Nelly: Yeah. Are we being punk'd right now?

Syn: No. I am a single man.

God I hate lying to them but I need to do it for my plan.

Nelly: What happened?

Syn: He did not like the idea of me being gone all of the time. Told me he wanted me to basically be a stay at home husband.

Cory: Where is the mother fucker! I want to hurt him.

Nelly: Me too dawg!

Syn: Guys, it's alright.

Cory: No it's not. Homeboy must be stupid to let you go.

Nelly: Syn, Cory and I were going to ask you this when we arrived at the villa, but now seems like a good time to do it.

Syn: Do what?

Cory: Would you like to be our new third in the revamped TYB?

Syn: You guys mean it?

Both: Hell yeah!

Cory: You're our boy and have proven to us time and time again that you have our backs and we will do the same for you.

Syn: Ok. I guess I am the new member of TYB. Hunter is going to be so pumped.

Nelly: Yeah. Hey, does that mean you are joining me in the single man status on the Challenge?

Syn: I am and I am going to kick ass.

Cory: Homeboy is cocky! I love it!

Nelly: Wait, are you going after guys or girls?

Syn: Why not both? I mean look at me!

Syn: Why not both? I mean look at me!

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