Chapter 15

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We just got back to the house after the non-elimination and the mood in the house is tense and I love it. Emerald is sulking that they lost Tori and are not the machine they once were and Tori is furious that her former team left her to die. I congratulate Amanda on the win and tell her that the move she made just changed the course of this game for the foreseeable future. I warn her to keep an eye out for the BS that Emerald is going to sell her. They were rooting against her the entire time and were praying that Big T won. She plans on throwing the next mission so we can target Emerald and I am on board with that.

I see Tori try to grab her new team and motivate them to win, but I decide tomorrow before the mission is the best chance to blow up the plan. I go to bed early so I can wake up early enough that I can pull Tori aside and blow up Emerald's game. When I wake up and begin my training session, I see Josh running around and looking the best he has ever looked. I am proud of the transformation Josh has made and I could actually see Josh winning this whole thing. Tori pulls me aside and this is my chance to throw out my plan for today's mission.

Syn: So, how are you feeling?

Tori: Angry. I want revenge on Emerald for possibly choosing me to be stolen.

Syn: Oh I know they did.

Tori: WAIT, WHAT?!?!

Syn: Oh yeah. You know the lounge chairs by the pool? Well, I was catching some sun out there and overheard the whole conversation with Josh and Amanda.

Tori: And?

Syn: Amanda might be a snake, but she is not lying this time.

Tori: Really? That's fucked up.

Syn: In fact, she asked Josh who from his team did he want to run the final with and the only name he adamantly said was Kaycee's name. When Amanda pressured him on which one of you two, Nany or yourself, Josh said Nany a couple of times.

Tori: So, while Amanda put him in a bad position, he gave her the green light to go after me?

Syn: He did. I love the kid and I am so sorry you were the one chosen, but I cannot lie to you after everything we've been through. I don't gain anything from telling you this.

Tori: Maybe you can.

Syn: How?

Tori: Want to work together to get out someone from Emerald?

Syn: Go on.

Tori: We will help each other out in the mission and target Emerald.

Syn: Now that sounds like a great plan. We do not have a lot of time so we need to split up and tell our teams the plan.

Tori: Got it. God, it is nice to work alongside you again. We should do it more often.

Syn: The door is always open for you. You know this.

Tori: Same for you.

Syn: Thanks, Tor.

Tori: Anytime Bre.

I smile and head over to Logan and Emy to them about the plan for today.

Syn: Logan, Emy. Team meeting.

Emy: Ok Uncle Syn.

Logan: What is this meeting about?

Syn: I was approached with a plan from Ruby cell that is actually enticing. They will join forces with us at today's mission to target Emerald. Whether that means we give the win to Ruby or vice versa, I don't know. However, to ensure that neither Logan or I get thrown in, we are going to go for the win. Just do not screw over Ruby.

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