Chapter 13

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After Bettina's elimination, I am happy for Emy because she just proved to everyone why she is a serious contender for Rookie of the Year. What I am the most excited about is the fact that we got rid of our two weakest competitors and gained a motivated beast. The vibe of the house is mostly positive, but something seems off with Cory and I think I know what is going on. I do plan on talking to Cory because I have been in his position on the Challenge before and he has consistently been a person to be there for me so it's time to return the favor.

I am sitting with Kyle, Nelly, Logan, and Emanuel as they all talk about how bad of a player Amanda is in this game. Sure, she is not the most physical or athletic competitor, but the girl is extremely strategic and gets a reaction out of her opponents. I do not like how the guys are treating her so I storm out of the room and hit the gym. I feel like I am on Big Brother Canada all over again where the popular clique had a meeting to discuss how I was the weird kid they wanted to use in their game. I felt bad about it in the moment and even thinking about it now makes me so mad that I do not even realize that I punch the bag off the hook.

Cory: Damn killer! Remind me to never get in a fight with you.

I jump and nearly fall to the ground. As much as I wanted to talk to Cory about how he is feeling, I wish it would have been at a different time, preferably when I am not trying to forget a traumatic moment in my life. I pick up the bag with one hand, place it on the hook, and motion for Cory to sit on the bench with me.

Cory: I noticed you were hitting the bag pretty hard there. I remember watching back last season with Jay and I know that you only box like that when something is bothering you. Tell me what's going on.

Syn: Why do you care?

Cory: Woah man! Watch the attitude with me! I'm just trying to help.

Syn: Why? Because you feel bad for me? Because you think it will help your game by comforting me?

Cory: Is that what you really think?

 I don't answer for a while because honestly, I don't know what to think. Ever since I performed and danced for Theo on War of the Worlds 2, my life has drastically changed and so have the people in my life. Everybody wants to have a piece of the spotlight and there are a lot of times where I feel like I just want to give it all up. I have had trust issues for the last two years and I know it sounds entitled coming from me, but fame sucks. Don't get me wrong: I absolutely love what I do and the friends I have. I just wish I could do what I do without having people know who I am. I think that is why I love being Scorpia so much. As I am about to continue my downhill spiral in my mind, I hear Cory stand up and start to leave.

Cory: Find me when Brett is here because this version of him sucks.

Syn: Cory, wait! Please don't go.

Cory: Why should I not? You treated me like shit for wanting to help you out.

Syn: I'm not used to people helping me.

Cory: What do you mean?

Syn: I have always been the one to help others and am too prideful to ask others for help. Ever since my father started abusing me, I have had to protect myself and others. I took the abuse from my father so he did not go after my mom, Xavier, and Ryan. Once I found out I got accepted to Big Brother Canada, I knew it was my chance to finally change the narrative of my life and take control. However, when I was on Big Brother, I was used as a pawn because of my demeanor and kind nature. They would talk shit about me and say I would never be enough, like my dad.

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