Chapter 20

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Initially, the plan was for me to be remote for the reunion since I am finishing up reshoots for Titans and my last scene on Flash, but I decided that one day would not hurt. When Justin found out that I was cleared to join the reunion, he called me practically crying and happy that I could join. We came up with a plan to tell no one but Emy, Emanuel, and Logan that I was coming in since they were a huge factor into why I wanted to come on. I wait for my cue to walk out after the host does and I hear a familiar face introducing me.

Maria Menounos: Breach alert! I am getting word that our co-winner and four time repeat Challenge champ is joining us. Please welcome the man on everyone's lips and in everyone's beds, Syn!

As I walk out and see the shocked faces of the entire cast, I know I look damn good in my outfit. I wanted to channel my inner moto bitch and created the look right after my panic attack. It was the first time since feeling so down that I could look at myself in the mirror and feel confident about myself.  *Photo is in the top* 

I slowly walk to my seat next to Tori and hug her, Devin, and Kyle. As I settle in, Maria begins the grilling process.

Maria: Syn, making an entrance as usual. I think all of us here can honestly say we are shocked you showed up.

Syn: And miss all of the drama and the opportunity to call people out? Come on now. This reunion would have been boring without me here.

Maria: Ok. My first question for you is how does it feel to win another season in a row?

Syn: I will say that I had a lot of help this time around, which is why I decided to give the money out the way I did. It did not feel right keeping it to myself.

Maria: Your choice to divvy what money to what person really caused a stir. Mind telling all of us why you did what you did?

Syn: Oh it actually is quite simple. When Kaycee and I picked up the gem at the end, I knew in that moment I was not going to keep it for myself. However, when the producer told me that I got to choose who received what money, I knew I had to get revenge on my fellow, well former, winner for all the shit she caused me these past three seasons.

Kaycee: I did nothing to you to deserve the treatment I got. Plus, I know Tori, Devin, and Kyle did a lot worse to you than I did.

Syn: They did game-related shit and we have talked that out since then. However, what you did was personal and you came after not just me, but my relationship with my man.

Maria: That brings me to my next question. Why lie about the breakup with Christian? Do you feel bad about lying to people you care about?

Syn: Of course I did. I am not a sociopath. I felt bad, but I knew I had to do it because Christian told me to.

All: What?

Nany: Wait, did anyone know Syn was lying the whole time?

Syn: The only people I told were Aneesa, Emanuel, Big T, Emy, and Logan. I trusted them not to say anything and I genuinely hated lying to them.

Kaycee: But what about the others you claim to have cared about?

Syn: I did, but at the time, it did not feel like it would help my game to tell them. I was targeted, mainly by Fessy and Kaycee, the entire game and I did not have many people I could trust in the game. Do I trust Kyle, Devin, Tori, Amanda, Nelly, and Cory outside of the game? Absolutely. But, we hurt each other too much in the game for me to get them involved in the plan.

Maria then moves on to talking with Emy about being the only rookie to make the final and I get emotional because I know how much that meant to her. I then get asked which of the rookies I felt made the biggest first impression and I say that Emy was my Rookie of the Year and it is true. The girl is the only rookie to make it to the final, she won money (thanks to yours truly), and won more eliminations than anyone, rookie or vet, this season. Maria brings up the whole Emy stealing me thing and shows the clip. I look over at Berna the entire time and she is pissed off.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2022 ⏰

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