Chapter 9

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After the shocking elimination of Berna and Hughie and Priscilla's huge decision to break up Ashley and Josh, everybody is still in shock as to what happened. We all walk into the villa and the vibe in the room is weird because the rookies are happy the game changed and some of the  insecure vets are now scrambling to figure out where they stand. I am sitting with Tori and Josh when Cory joins our conversation about what just happened in the Lair. Cory is talking about how the war is starting and he is not wrong with that sentiment, but it came off a bit strange to me and I can tell it bothered Josh as well. 

Josh pulls me into a room with Amanda, Kyle, and Ashley and this is an interesting group of people because everyone in the room, yes even Josh, is known in the Challenge realm for being socially savvy. Josh brings up how Cory and a couple of others knew that Priscilla was choosing Josh and I try to keep my mouth shut because I knew she was going after either Josh or Kyle, but I had no idea she was actually choosing Josh. I have noticed Cory giving me the cold shoulder after talking with Priscilla and even Nelson for that matter. I thought Josh was paranoid about Cory but now it all make sense. I walk with Josh out of the room and take him into my music room.

Josh: This room is still so cool to me. 

Syn: Me too. I pinch myself sometimes. I actually wanted to talk to you about something.

Josh: Ok. You're scaring me. You're not targeting me, are you?

Syn: No Josh. I want to run the final with you and I genuinely mean that. You're good people and I want someone good to win.

Josh: Same here. Us Big Brother winners have to stick together.

Syn: I know. Anyways, remember the conversation we had with Tori and Cory? It was weird, right?

Josh: Bro! I was thinking the same thing. I get that a vet has to go in, but his emphasis on the war starting threw me off.

Syn: Me too. I didn't want to say this in front of the three we just talked to, but I know how Cory found out.

Josh: You do?

Syn: Yeah.

Josh: How?

Syn: It was Priscilla's plan to break up the vets and she asked me for advice about who to choose.

Josh: And you told her to choose me?

Syn: Honestly, I didn't give her a name. I just told her to be careful who she pissed off more: Ashley or Amanda. I knew she was choosing one of you two but did not know which one.

Josh: I appreciate it, but why are you telling me this?

Syn: I felt like you deserved to hear my involvement coming from me. I couldn't stop her from making the move since her mind was set on doing so. Plus, Ashley and Tori gave her the push she needed in the deliberation to go forward with the move. 

Josh: Wow! This is a lot to take in.

Syn: I know. Take it as you may, but just know that I have your back no matter what and I'm sorry for not telling you sooner.

Josh: Look, I am a little hurt you hid this from me, but this is a game and you were man enough to have an honest conversation with me. I respect the shit out of you for doing that. 

Syn: Thanks Josh! Hug it out?

Josh: Definitely man. You know, you are not as bad of a person as people say you are to work with.

Syn: Wait, what?

Josh: Oh yeah. When Kaycee, Fessy, Amber, and I had that big fight, Kaycee was saying how you were a selfish person who only came back on here for publicity and relevancy.

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