Chapter 18

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Previously on The Challenge: Spies, Lies, and Allies

Logan hits the beam and falls, resulting in time running out and Logan losing. I run down there to the two men and congratulate them both.

Syn: Congrats to you both. I am going to miss you Logan.

Logan: I am going to miss you too. Good luck you two.

Emanuel: Good job out there man. We will win this for you.

Logan: You better. See you later.

Syn: Wait! I almost forgot.

Both: What?

Syn: Do not tell anyone, but I just found out that I am going to be a dad.

Logan: No way! Really?

Syn: Yes.

Emanuel: Dude, that's major! Congrats!

Logan: Seriously man! Congrats!

Syn: Thanks. I told you guys I got you outside of here and I mean it. Logan, I will be in touch with you.

Logan: After this, you two and Emy are invited to visit my place anytime you want.

Emanuel: Same to you guys.

Syn: Same here. I will take you up on that, Logan. Now, go enjoy your freedom.

We hug and I see Logan run off into the distance and I feel Emanuel hugging me to comfort me in this moment. I am so happy Emanuel stayed, but it sucks to see someone I got so close to leave right before the final. TJ interrupts our nice moment to tell Emanuel to rejoin Emerald and that there are no more teams. Everyone thinks we have made the final but then he says that two more people will be going home tonight. Holy shit! I need to survive one more elimination in order to make it to the final. Let's fucking go!

Present Day
TJ just told us that the cells are disbanded and that we will vote in one guy and one girl and no one is safe, including the Agency. I am just praying that my season does not come to an end because of one burn vote. Justin specifically told me that if I even get one vote to go into elimination, I am done for and I cannot have that happen to me. TJ asks Emanuel which girl should be thrown in and start out the voting right away since he was the winner of the elimination round earlier.

TJ: Emanuel, who do you choose?

Emanuel: I'm sorry, but it has to be Amanda.

TJ: Amanda.

Amanda: Tori.

Devin: Amanda.

TJ: Tori.

Tori: Amanda.

TJ: Nelson.

Nelson: Tori.

TJ: 4 votes for Amanda. 2 votes for Tori. Syn.

Syn: I'm sorry love, but I am voting for Amanda.

TJ: 5 votes Amanda. Emy.

Emy: Amanda.

TJ: Kyle.

Kyle: Amanda.

TJ: Kaycee.

Kaycee: Amanda.

TJ: 8 votes Amanda. It's your choice.

Amanda: Tori.

Syn: Holy shit!

The Challenge: Spies, Lies, and AlliesWhere stories live. Discover now