Episode 12

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Seeing Ed leave made me both sad and angry and I want to win this season for him. Ed was such a kind, lovable guy and a great competitor and no one cheered for Ed during his elimination or took him seriously. I love Kyle too, but I do not think the excessive cheering that the vets did was needed and I want to honor Ed with a win. I have to play my cards right because I believe I have three more guy's eliminations before I find out about my Sleeper Agent advantage. I hope it is seriously worth it because I am going to have to do some questionable things in order to keep myself safe.

I already have used sex and intimidation to get me through one nomination cycle and now I have to change up my game plan to avoid being thrown in three more times. When we walk back into the villa, everyone is uncomfortable because we know that Nelson is going to be... oh. I spoke too soon because right away, Nelly starts yelling at Kyle for swapping spots with him instead of someone on Emerald. Ruby is suiting Nelly right now because the man is fuming and his face is so red right now that I am scared of Nelly right now. I step in between their argument and drag Nelly towards Cory and walk outside with the two of them.

I get why Nelson is mad because what Kyle did was stupid and immature and now he even is egging Nelly on and I hate that about Kyle. I run upstairs after I see Nelly is calm down a little bit and drag Kyle into the music room. He goes to protest and I shut him up really quick because right now, I am mad at Kyle for thinking he can just ride my coattails to another final and called me out for being good at the game. Granted, I know I am good at the game, but the more he announces it, the bigger my target is going to get. Once we are in the room, I slam the door and point to the chair.

Syn: Sit down, now!

Kyle: What the hell did...

Syn: Shut the FUCK up and sit down right now! Do you understand me?

I feel my eyes go red and I can tell my hair changed color because Kyle is pointing at my head.

Kyle: How the...

Syn: Kyle, did I stutter? Sit down.

Kyle: Ok Syn. Geez bro.

Syn: First of all, congrats on winning tonight.

Kyle: Thank you.

Syn: Did I say you could speak? No? Good. Secondly, why the hell did you choose Nelson instead of someone on Emerald?

Kyle: Because I wanted to work with you.

Syn: You do realize we could do that still if you were on Emerald? You could have had a cake walk to the final on that team and now that is not so guaranteed. Plus, I do not know if you have noticed, but you are public enemy number one again in the house.

Kyle: I know man. I am sorry.

Syn: I am not the one you need to apologize to.

Kyle: I will do that right now. Nelson is a good guy.

Syn: Not right now. He is still upset. Do it when we go out tomorrow night. For now, you need to lay low and do damage control. Got it?

Kyle: Yes Syn. Hey, thanks.

Syn: For what? Chewing you out?

Kyle: For being real with me. Everyone in here thought you let fame get to your head but I can see it has not. I am glad I chose you to go against in the hall brawl.

Syn: If you didn't hurt your knee and choose me, we would have never been friends. Now, as your friend, don't be stupid. You have a girlfriend and kid counting on you.

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