Chapter 6

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After Logan's win and Gabo's elimination, everyone is in high spirits and I am just happy that my Lo Lo stayed because he is such a positive light in this house. He balances me out a lot in here in terms of our personalities and game styles this season. He is so pure of heart and I want to do anything to protect him, even if it means throwing myself into elimination to save him from going home. I go sit down with Hughie and Big T and he talks about how he needs to separate himself from Emy and I understand where he is coming from, but I have grown attached to Emy in a sisterly manner.

Emy reminds me a lot of Jordan when I first met him and I can see the fire she has in her and I hate that the other vets continue to target her. I have worked with big personalities before and with my experience in psychology and understanding of people, I know that the Emy most people have seen is not the real Emy. The only three people who have seen the real Emy in this game are myself, Big T, Emanuel, and Logan. That is why we formed the S.T.E.E.L alliance after Berna and I were blindsided by Ed and Tori.

Flashback to after Berna's Elimination:

I am feeling really shitty that my two closest allies, besides Aneesa and Cory, blindsided me by throwing in my partner. I feel like I don't have anyone to trust anymore and am wondering if I made a mistake coming back here. I go into the music room alone and just sit there playing the piano for a few hours. I know this is not the best thing to do in the game, but my mental health comes first over everything. I snap out of my little funk when I hear a knock at the door and see Logan, Emanuel, and Emy standing on the other side.

Syn: Come in.

Emy: Uncle Syn, are you okay?

Emanuel: We noticed how hurt you were by the decision to throw in Berna.

Syn: I guess I am used to being tossed aside, but never like that.

Logan: Because you cared about them and feel hurt that they lied to you, right?

Syn: Yeah...

Logan: I heard them talking about this right before they left for the elimination. I am sorry I did not tell you.

Emanuel: I will say that it hurt me to see you sad.

Logan and Emy: Me too.

Syn: I appreciate it guys. If I am being honest, I am having a hard time trusting people again. I am also afraid that if I get close with someone, either they will be targeted or I will.

Emanuel: Then trust us.

Syn: What?

Emy: I have already been thrown in.

Logan: And it is already bound to happen for E and I to be thrown in as well.

Syn: You guys are willing to put your games in danger just for me? But why?

Logan: You are the only vet who really has shown any of us rookies sympathy.

Emy: Yeah Uncle Syn. You treat all of us as if we are equals.

Emanuel: Yeah. It has been hard knowing most of the vets want us gone, but we know you will do anything for the people you like. Look what you did for Hughie.

Logan: That was brave and...


Emanuel: Yes. That. Michele told me to trust you out of the vets and all of us know why. There is a reason why you have won before.

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