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Michonne and I probably should have slowed down considering she was injured. But, we only pushed forward to the prison to the best of our abilities.

We'd ran into trouble with walkers a few times and I think we both surprised each other by handling ourselves and each other so easily.

When she was pinned down to the ground, I took the two walkers out over her.

When I had my back against a car, she took out three in one fatal swipe of her sword.

"Why do you have people after you anyway?" I ask her as we took a break, sitting together on the steps of a restaurant.

"His asshole leader wants my head on a pike," she glares, wiping her sword clean of the blood.

I glance to her from where I was clearing the blade attached to my bat of skin and blood.

"Did you do something for that to happen?" I question.

"I tried to live by getting out."

"Getting out?" I repeat.

"Once you go in that place, they don't want you leaving. Me and.." she sighs, "A friend and I were both supposed to leave."

"They didn't make it?" I frown.

"She wanted to stay. But, I couldn't shake the feeling something was off about that place. I had to leave. So, I left and then they chased after me. I knew they would but.. It doesn't sit right, you know?"

It was an irony that I would have found amusing if it weren't my reality.

The place Michonne was escaping sounded like a prison with their strict rules and no tolerance for freedom.

And here I was, leading our way to an actual prison.


"Don't hurt her!" I plead, pushing Carl's arm off of me.

"I'm not," Rick swears, holding a hand up to me and one on Michonne, "I'm not gonna hurt her, all right?"

I calm down a bit, resting my hand on Carl's arm that kept me blocked from where Rick was towering over Michonne. Michonne glances over to me, a dazed look in her eyes before she side eyes Rick, looking him up and down carefully.

"Hana, let's talk," Rick waves his hand, "A few things."

I nod following Rick and Carl through into the other room. Carl shuts the door and I jump, turning back and rushing to him as he'd locked Michonne alone in the room.

"Hey!" I defend, grabbing his hand with the keys.

"Hana, it's all right. Just a precaution, she'll be safe in there," Rick comforts, setting his hand on my back.

I sigh, looking through the bars to where Michonne was standing up, leaning against one of the tables. She gives a short nod and I frown, turning back to let Rick lead me further away.

Just as we're away, no words are able to be traded as someone makes their presence known first-

"Hana!" Carol cries, stumbling out of a cell.

Daryl holds his arm out behind her, ready to catch her if she were to fall.

"Carol?" I ask, not believing my own eyes.

She looked exhausted, wounds covering her body as she limped her way to me.

"Oh my god," she whimpers, placing her hands on either side of my face.

She got separated from T and I, I thought she was gone just like he was. This whole time, she was alive..

"I was so worried," she sniffles.

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