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The gunfire seemed relentless from the trees as we attempt to find cover among the limbs and brush.

Turning to lay fire back, I'm met by a gunshot that grazes my shoulder. Shouting in pain, I fall back behind the tree, grasping the spot that was bleeding.

I look through the trees, seeing Taeyang pulling Zoe back as she was also hit- Jae further down firing back alongside Bea.

More? Where the hell were more Saviors hiding out?

Feet away, I see Heather's body, clenching my fist in frustration.

"They're the team from Gavin's! They must've snuck out from Carol!" Taeyang calls.

I pull my gun back up, pushing through the pain in my arm, "Don't let them get away! Take them all out!"

The kick back of the gun only made my arm bleed more and my jaw aches from how hard I had it tightened. I could spot at least five men. We had seven after.. Six after separating at the base. Taeyang, Jae, Daniel, Bea, Zoe, and I. The numbers were too close for my liking, especially with both Zoe and I being hit.

The gunfire soon pauses and I knew we were all running low or reloading.

I rest my head against the tree behind me, trying to think of a plan. We had two injured against at least five, the woods were doing us no favor in being able to spot the Saviors that were there, on the bright side- that also meant we had coverage. How the hell do we get out of this one?

In the distance, I could hear faint whistling.

"More Saviors," Daniel huffs, reloading his gun, "They're gonna out number us."

"No.. No, hang on," I shake my head, trying to listen closer.

The whistling returns, a bit closer.

But, it wasn't the typical whistle I'd heard from Negan or the Saviors.. But, it wasn't Daryl's usual calls either..

Where had I heard this before? Why was it so familiar yet so distant?

"We should do that, Hana," Carl taps my arm, "Have a secret code only for us."

My eyes widen at the reminder- the haenyeo call. The story I'd told all those years ago at the quarry.

I whistle the tone back, receiving silence at first. Then, there's a loud roar and more gunfire. Daniel and I keep hidden until a familiar voice calls out-

"It's clear!"

"Carl?" I ask, stepping out from the tree.

Sure enough, Carl stood with his gun up, Ezekiel, Carol, Jerry, and an unfamiliar man with him. And making her way down the hill from where she'd ravaged some of the Saviors was Shiva.

"These assholes got away," Carol nods to the bodies, "Didn't think we'd ever catch up to them."

"You saved our asses," Jae breathes, "Thank you."

"Are you okay? I ask, seeing their condition.

Ezekiel looked as though he could hardly walk, Jerry covered in blood himself, and the new man looking distraught.

"We lost all the Kingdom fighters," Carol answers and I spot Ezekiel grimace, "They got away with the big guns, but Daryl and Rick are right after them."

"This is Siddiq," Carl motions to the new man.

"Carl saved me.. Then, there was a tiger running after us," Siddiq shakes his head, "I thought I was hallucinating again. Then, Carl called her and she settled down. Then, I thought I was going to die on the spot."

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