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"Yah! You couldn't have picked her up in a nicer ride? It has to be this old dump?"

"It's for sentimental purposes, noona! Don't be like that."

The feeling of being in a moving car suddenly makes me feel nauseous as I roll onto my side, coughing a few times.

"Dongsaeng, please, don't throw up in my car!"

Inhaling quick, shattered breaths of air, I pull my head up weakly to look at the driver.

"Oppa?" I question.

Glenn gives a small smile, peering down to where I was laying before looking back at the road.

My eyes flicker to the passenger, tears filling my eyes.


Angela hums, "See, I'm clearly the favorite sibling."

"Keep telling yourself that," Glenn scoffs.

My mouth moves, no words escaping as I fight to sit upright.

"Where are we? What's wrong with me?" I finally force out.

"Where are we?" Angela repeats, leaning her head against the seat, "Wherever you want us to be."

At the thought, I force my eyes away from my siblings to look out the window, the streets of Seoul so familiar even after so many years.

"As for what's wrong with you.. Gee, the list could go on for days," Glenn teases.

"If you didn't bully her so much, you might be in line for second favorite," Angela informs Glenn.

I place my hand on the window, the sight of my old school making a tear fall. There, I spot my ring and feel my heartbeat quicken.

"Taeyang," I panic, looking around the car, "Where's Taeyang?"

"Taeyang is fine. Perfectly fine, even," Glenn assures, "He's with Maggie. Daniel. Ben.. The others."

"And I'm.. with you," I figure looking back between the two.

My siblings give each other a look before returning to the road.

"Am I dead?" I ask.

"Do you want to be?" Angela asks, turning in her seat to look at me.

I don't answer for a few seconds, looking between the two before back out the windows to Seoul. It was like before- people walking around, walking their dogs, taking pictures.. Normal. I'd forgotten what that looked like until now.

"You did at one time," Glenn remembers, "You tried it, even. You're here, now. Is this all you wanted?"

The prison.. Woodbury.. everything that was lost and found during the time of my recklessness.

As the thoughts of everyone floods my head, the scenery before me changes.

What was once Seoul changes to the streets of Atlanta- T-Dog and Jim sitting in T's church van and talking as Amy and Andrea walk by hand in hand. I watch them go by, unable to move.

Then, Hershel and Youngji sitting beside each other on a bench, smiles on their faces.

My eyes widen and I lurch toward the window, jerking the handle though the door doesn't open.

"Hershel!" I shout, pounding on the window, "Grandmother!"

The two don't take any notice to me and Glenn doesn't slow the car down as we drive past them. Erratic breathing leaves my chest as I turn around, watching them fade in the distance out the back window.

MAKNAE [twd] *editing*Where stories live. Discover now