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Walking down the street with Ron, I pull the hood of Taeyang's jacket around my damp hair as the days were getting colder.

"You should see this place when it snows, it's cool," Ron says, noticing my actions.

"Snow.. I don't think I've ever seen a real snow. Not one that stays around, anyway," I admit.

"Really? How?" he asks.

"In Seoul it didn't snow often at all. When it did, it never stuck to the ground."

"Well, the snow here is awesome. It can get like.." he holds his hand down to his shin, "This high?"

"That.. Doesn't sound real," I shake my head.

"You'll see," he assures.

We made it to my house first, informing Maggie in on the dinner plan. She said that Glenn was taking a walk but she would tell him once he got back and that she knew he would be fine with it- happy even. Just as I had thought as well.

From there, we made our way to the infirmary where we knew Ben would be.

"Where's Enid? I question.

Ron makes a face, looking to the road under us, "Oh.. She's not really into that kind of stuff."

"Your mom still said to ask her, though," I remind.

He looks around, eyes on the top of the wall before shaking his head, "She'll say no."

I look to the wall as well, "Don't tell me.. She's out there?"

Ron sighs with a stress ridden face, "She does it all the time. I keep telling her to stop, but she.. She tells me I don't get it and I know I don't. I haven't been out there. Not like her, not like you and your group. But, I still tried to get her to stop. She doesn't listen to me."

"She goes alone?" I frown, "That's not safe. Not for anyone- no matter how good they are out there."

"Well, something tells me she isn't alone. Not anymore at least," Ron mutters.

"Who?" I ask.

He cracks a smile, nudging my arm, "You should know. Dude had eyes for you for God knows how long."

"Carl? Carl is sneaking over the wall?" I stop in my tracks.

Ron sees this, stopping as well and turning to look at me, "I think so. I haven't seen him since she left so.."

"I have to tell Rick," I sigh, annoyed with the younger Grimes.

"I.. I thought you would say that. Look, Enid is good out there and I know Carl is, too. But, it's not safe. Thing is.. Enid- she's been through a lot. She's not going to stop, I've tried."

I rest my hands on my hips, thinking back to the notes we traded in secret during the movie. She had the same mindset I did, or at least what I thought I did. She doesn't believe in this place- it was just a fantasy to her.

Still, as someone who just returned from a high stakes run that nearly took everything- no one should be out there without others knowing. And it wasn't safe for her to influence Carl into doing the same. Besides, from first hand experience, I knew that he had a history of such things- our 'walk' to the barn and him sneaking out to find Randall was proof on it's own.

I guess I just had blind faith that he'd grown out of it.

A sudden smashing of what sounded like glass echoes distantly, making Ron and I search around for the source.

"What was that?" he asks.

I only shake my head, holding my sleeve covered hands up to shield my eyes from the sunlight to look around better. People began running down the street, all going the way we just came from. Without a word traded, we start jogging back and I ignore the dull ache in my side as we do so.

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