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It was as though Maggie's screeching cry made my gun go off rather than my own finger pulling the trigger.

And it was the sight of Hershel bleeding out from the neck that caused those fires to keep going off from my gun.

Rick had fell back, seemingly shot in the leg as he took sanctuary behind the fallen bus by the gates. And the Governor had received a shot in the arm in the direction of Carl's gun who was only a bit further down from where I stood.

Michonne had begun to roll away, still with hands tied behind her back and I couldn't help but be amazed as no one beside her shot her down. But, it was too dangerous for her to be there. She couldn't be out there alone.

My hands drop my gun, the strap keeping it around my arm as I move to open the gate.

"Hana!" Taeyang shouts, dropping his aim to grab my arm.

"Let go," I demand, pulling away from him.

"You're not going out there!"

In a different spot, I could see the Governor kneeling beside Hershel. Hershel who was hardly hanging on- still trying to get away.

"Let go!" I cry, ignoring the tears on my face.

"We need to leave! You're not going down there and getting yourself killed!" Taeyang screams, wrapping his arm around my shoulders to pull me away.

"Taeyang, let go!"

The Governor brought the sword down to Hershel once more.

"He needs to die! I have to!"


"Hana, we're leaving!" Taeyang argues.

My feet drag on the ground from Taeyang's strength, "I have to kill him!"


"No!" I wail, the sight of Hershel's head unattached to his body too much to handle.

"Let's go!" Taeyang shouts.

I nearly trip as he tugs on my arm, forcing my feet to follow him as we fall in line behind Maggie and Beth who were running to the bus. Nearly there, a large explosion as caused by the tank sends us bumping into each other.

"Michonne's out there! She can't-"

"And everyone else is in here!" Taeyang argues.

"Glenn's inside. I have to go get him!" Maggie adds.

"I'm going with you!" I plead. 

He was my brother. I had to be there.

"No, no- you two stay out here. I'll go with Maggie," Taeyang says, "We'll get hyung and grandmother!"

"You get these people on the bus and be ready to drive!" Maggie agrees, "We'll be right back!"

"What if you're not?"

"Then, you go without us!" 

"We're not going without you!" 

"You get these people on the bus, be ready to go. It's your job and we've all got jobs to do!" Maggie says, hardly breathing through her adrenaline and grief.

"We'll be right back, just be ready," Taeyang says.

He leans down, a quick kiss to my cheek before he and Maggie run off back into the prison.

"No.. No.. No.." Beth pants.

My chest heaves, anger, pain, and pure hatred flowing through my veins.

MAKNAE [twd] *editing*Where stories live. Discover now