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"Is there anything I forgot?" I ask Taeyang, watching the trees pass us by.

"Hmm?" he hums, "Not that I can think of.. Did we leave something behind?"

"Last time you went on a run, you forgot me. I think we've come a long way," Daniel comments from behind the wheel.

"Yeah, we meant to forget you," I scoff.

"You know if you lie to spare my feelings, I wouldn't hold that against you?"

"Who said I cared about your feelings?"

Daniel whines, grumbling to himself about 'so much for best friend'. Taeyang chuckles, turning in his seat to look at me better.

"What do you think we forgot?" he asks, holding his hand out.

My mind trails off to that letter in my books of me 'remembering' something. There was a very limited amount of people that went into the office, so there was only a handful of options it could have been. Dad, myself, Maggie, Jesus, Taeyang, and occasionally Kal. But, what could I have forgotten about any of them that would make them leave the note? Had I written it myself for something in a late night work-mind and now forgotten it?

"Never mind," I decide, clasping my hand in his, "Think I'm just juggling a lot with the baby coming and work."

Taeyang gives a sympathetic look, bringing our hands up to kiss the back of mine, "Things will start slowing down once he's here. We'll need all hands on deck to help Maggie out."

"She mentioned naming him after hyung, her dad, Jae, or her brother.. I wonder what she'll choose," Daniel mutters curiously.

"This is President Maggie we're speaking of- who knows what she'll do," I laugh.

"True," Daniel points with one hand, "What about you two?"

"What about us?" Taeyang questions.

"When will I be 'Uncle Daniel'?"

Taeyang and I's reactions were so similar it was frightening as we both laughed under our breath, nervously dismissing the thought. Though, as I look back to them, I see them share a quick moment's eye contact.

What was up with everyone lately? First Taeyang mentions this marriage thing and now Daniel?

"We're here," I announce, clearing my throat.

Returning to Alexandria felt like a flip of a coin every time I saw the familiar gates.

It would either feel like hell's gates or a nostalgia that made me smile.

Today was the nostalgia.

Jumping out of the truck, I'm soon met by Michonne's smiling face as she wraps me in a welcoming hug.

"Hairbo, I haven't seen you in so long," she expresses.

"I know, I'm sorry I haven't been by to visit," I apologize, "Maggie is getting closer and closer to her due date, it's hard to leave. But, she said this one would be quick and I just had to come see you."

"I'm happy you did! I was just about ready to pack up and go there if you hadn't come," she smiles as we release one another.

"How've you all been?" Rick asks, wrapping an arm around Michonne's shoulders, "How's Maggie?"

"It's been a lot of work with a side of extra work with even more work sprinkled in between," Daniel answers, opening the tailgate of the truck.

"Sounds like a lot of work," Michonne agrees.

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