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The sun was hardly even up and yet the world decided to throw us into madness.

Jesus was being checked on by Denise as he had suffered a blow to the head within their first meeting and Rick wanted to be safe about everything. Just as we began to leave for his questioning, Jae nearly broke down the door to the infirmary as he carried Daniel on his back.

"We were on our way here and he said he wasn't feeling too good," Jae pants as everyone helps to get Daniel laid down, "Next thing I knew, he was on the ground."

"How long exactly?" Denise questions.

"Maybe two minutes. It happened right outside the house," Jae answers.

Denise pauses, one hand on Daniel's pulse as the other was holding a finger up to silence everyone.

I felt like I couldn't breathe in those seconds before Denise nods and shuffles around for more supplies.

"He's alive and his pulse is strong," she confirms., "Too strong, really. His heart is racing."

"What do we do?" Taeyang asks, ready to do anything to help.

"I told you already.. Without MRIs or CTs, my hands are tied," Denise reminds.

"Well, we can't sit back and do nothing!" I nearly cry, immediately pulled into Glenn's chest for a comforting hug.

"He's gonna be all right.. It's gonna be okay," Glenn whispers as he rubs my head.

"He's been having a hard time since the run. Those dizzy spells are happening more often. Plus, his memory is getting worse. But, this? What the hell causes him to just pass out like this?" Jae questions, wiping the sweat from his forehead.

"It could be a number of things. A blow to the head could cause a dozen different outcomes," Denise explains, though she's given similar speeches for the past month or so.

"It's a head injury?" Jesus asks.

"Shut up," Daryl snaps to him, grabbing the back of his jacket and forcing him on his feet.

"Wait! Wait!" Jesus pleads, "My people! We have a doctor that can perform a CT scan!"

The room freezes as all eyes fall onto the newcomer.

"We don't have the supplies at our camp itself. But, when someone gets seriously injured like that, we have a doctor's office cleared out in case of emergencies," Jesus explains.

"And your doc is experienced?" Rick questions seriously.

"Well.. His brother was a radiologist but he's.. He's got other places to be. But, Doctor Carson- the doctor at our camp, used to be an OB and he knows ultrasounds and waves. I'm sure he could figure out a CT."

Rick looks down to Daniel, eyes swirling with fear and determination. Then, he looks to Denise who shrugs as if reminding 'I can't do it, maybe they can'. When his eyes land on Glenn, the two men speak through their eyes before Rick nods.

"What did you say your camp's name was?" Rick asks, looking back to Jesus.

"Hilltop.. We call ourselves The Hilltop," Jesus names.


"We all fitting in the van?" Abraham asks.

"No, we take the RV. Daniel needs the bed," Rick point to the RV, "Daryl's bringing it now."

On cue, Daryl pulls the RV in front of the infirmary.

"All right, Ben, Hana, and Maggie load it up. Abraham, you get Jesus. The rest of you, we'll get Daniel on the gurney and in the RV," Rick orders around.

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