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𝓝𝓪𝓶𝓮: Hana Rhee
𝓐𝓰𝓮: Eighteen (estimated)
Student (grade 7, Gidae Elementary school in Seoul) (pre-apocalypse) Caretaker for Prison Residents (post-apocalypse) Fence Cleaning Crew in the Prison (post-apocalypse) Assistant to Reg Monroe in Alexandria Architecture and Construction (post-apocalypse) Part-Time Alexandria Run Crew Member (post-apocalypse) Lead Architect and Construction Adviser in Alexandria (post-apocalypse) Multi-Task Hilltop Provider (post-apocalypse) Temporary Leader of Oceanside (post-apocalypse)
Taeyang Choi- Boyfriend (Alive) Jiyong Rhee- Father (Unknown) Anna Rhee- Mother (Unknown) Angela Rhee- Sister (Dead) Tina Rhee- Sister (Unknown) Glenn Rhee- Brother (Dead) Maggie Rhee- Sister in Law (Alive) Hershel Greene- In Law (Dead) Beth Greene- In Law (Alive)
𝓢𝓽𝓪𝓽𝓾𝓼: Alive
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"Glenn made the decision, Rick. I was just following his lead," Maggie smiled through tears.
"We owe him everything," Rick nods, placing his hand over Maggie's.
Rick looks over to Hana, giving her a soft smile, "You did good- all of you bringing Oceanside here. There's no way we can lose now."
"We win," Michonne says through her swollen lips- a fight of her own nearly lost during the battle.
"And Glenn would be proud to know you're helping lead this thing," Rick adds.
Hana nods numbly, standing up and picking her bat up with her, "I'm gonna go. I have something I need to do."
"Do you need help?" Maggie asks.
"No," Hana forces a smile, patting Maggie's shoulder, "I'm okay. Rest up, Little Rhee is probably tired, too."
"He is," Maggie nods, rubbing her stomach.
"He?" Taeyang asks, leaning forward.
"Before Negan took Carson into the Sanctuary, we did another ultrasound. Little Rhee is a he is seems," Maggie explains.
Hana swallows down the lump in her throat, nodding again, "You two should rest up, then. I'll come back when I'm done."
She gives Taeyang a look and he nods, scooting closer to Maggie who smiles and pats his hand.
Hana walks out the doors, greeted by the dozens of people outside from the four different communities that were working together to clean the bodies, patch one another's wounds, and speak words on encouragement.
She ducks through the crowd, making it back to her old house, the sight different than when she'd left those weeks ago as Saviors had wreaked havoc on the furniture. She only sighs, making her way upstairs. She doesn't even look into she and Beth's room as she knew Beth had probably been staying at Noah's the time they had all been at Hilltop. She passes right by the others as well before making it to Glenn and Maggie's room.
The bed was gone, but Hana doesn't question it as she knew it was the Saviors. She steps to the closet, setting her bat on the ground and opening the door. Looking through the clothes for a few seconds, she picks out three items- a long sleeved shirt, a t-shirt, and a jacket of Glenn's.
She sheds her own jacket and shirt in favor of placing Glenn's on- making sure to tie the shirt in a knot to make it shorter and more comfortable. Once adorned in her brother's clothing she picks up the long sleeve shirt, bundling it up and hiding her face in it. It still smelled of Glenn- that woodsy, metallic smell mixed with the shampoo he'd been using since they got to Alexandria.
Hugging the material to her chest, she takes a few deep breaths to calm her nerves. A single tear falls, a huge contrast to the crying sessions of the weeks.
"You're going to have a son, oppa.." she smiles softly, "I'll take care of him. Him and Maggie both."
She holds the shirt tighter, glancing in the closet. There, she sees an old but familiar sight hanging on the inside of the door. She places the shirt in her bag reaching up to pick the item off the hook.
"Oppa," she whispers to Glenn's old hat, "I miss you."
Killing Negan wasn't going to bring Glenn back, she knew that. Killing Negan probably wouldn't even make the grief stop, she also knew that from her bout with the Governor.
But, killing Negan meant that no one else would feel her pain. The pain the women of Oceanside knew. The pain Maggie felt every day. The pain that her nephew would feel in the future
No one would have to mourn their brother, husband, son, father, or friend again.
Glenn made the decision- as Maggie had said.
Glenn who stopped to save people, Glenn who fought for what was right, Glenn who was one of the few good things left in the world.
"Me too," Hana nods, "I'm following your lead, oppa."
The shirt, the jacket, and now Glenn's hat- Hana carried the pieces of Glenn with her.
And as she left the room to prepare to fight more- each step was for Glenn, each breath was for Glenn, and each day she lived was in Glenn's honor.
Hana was tired of crying for Glenn on the daily. The tears weren't helping anything, they were only giving Hana a headache.
Hana was going to live for Glenn on the daily. She would do everything in his name and for his sake. If that included killing Negan and helping raise a baby? So be it.
𝒶𝓊𝓉𝒽𝑜𝓇 𝓇𝒶𝓂𝒷𝓁𝑒𝓈--
guys if you wanna freak out read this and then read hana's first info chapter at the very beginning its just madness