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taehyun pov:

not long after, we finished our work and y/n ended up sleeping. her head was leaning against the wall as her stuff were all over the floor. how does she even sleep in all this mess... now... how do i take the revenge i want? should i stir some trouble for her in school? hm yeah that should work... suddenly, her head swayed from the wall and rested on my shoulder.




where are you

i'm stuck in school-

what are you doing there-

long story short i got locked
in here with a classmate

anyway, hyung, i need a
favour from you




consider it done

i turned to look at the sleeping y/n. hmph. sorry not sorry, choi y/n...

>> time skip to next morning >>

y/n pov:

"omg look"

"what are they doing?"

eh... where am i... i slowly opened my eyes and saw all my classmates and some unfamiliar faces staring at me. oh yeah stuck in the classroom, must've fell asleep.

"look she's awake!"

"i heard she purposely locked taehyun in so that they would have to spend the night together."

"ew that's so disgusting!"

"i heard they even kissed?!"

"what?? no!! my oppa's first kiss is gone just like that???"

why are people saying all these stuff...? i purposely locked taehyun in?? he came and followed along on his own... not long after, taehyun woke up too. at that moment, the teacher walked in.

"what are all of you all doing?? back to your seats, now!" he shouted.

taehyun quickly stood up as i followed along as we went back to our seats.

"what's all the commotion about? you! park jongseong (a.n oh hi jay) tell me!" he said.

a classmate, probably that park dude, stood up as he replied, "y/n and taehyun slept together."

what the- i mean we slept together but- NOT IN THAT WAY!!

"ms choi and mr kang, someone explain?"

i turned to look at taehyun and he had a smirk plastered on his face. kang taehyun... never thought you were like that...

"we were locked in class. i came back to get something and he kept following me, i didn't think too much but i never expected something like that to happen. sorry mr ln/o/t (last name of teacher)," i said.

"okay, sit back down. no one to talk about this anymore okay?" he asked as everyone nodded their heads obediently.

as if anyone's gonna listen to him. once the lesson ends, everyone's gonna gossip like shit... how did i not realise taehyun was someone like that... he probably staged my fall so that we would... yeah- and even the guards, probably all his doing... kang taehyun... i'll remember you...

>> short time skip to recess cuz why not >>

as soon as i stepped out of the classroom, everyone started gossiping. just as i had imagined...

"look it's that y/n right?"

"yeah that one from yesterday."

"she's literally walking like nothing happened."

"gosh yeah, looking so pure but her brain is otherwise."

"ugh sucks to be her."

indeed, sucks to be me. getting wronged for something i never did...

a.n heh txt comeback today lesgo

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