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beomgyu pov:

omg that y/n beside me... she's so pretty damn... i'm falling for her already- is she single? would she wanna be friends with me? would she be okay with the fact i'm a year older than her? so many questions were filling my head.

i did a short introduction and tried starting conversations with her but, sadly wasn't working out well... her replies were half-hearted and she didn't seem like she was interested in continuing the conversation with me. oh well... i guess it's fine then... maybe my university life would be as sad as my college life. misery... i managed to ask for break together but, let's see how it goes...

y/n pov:

>> time skip to break cuz IDK WHAT TO WRITE ANYMOREEE >>

"hey y/n, break together right?" beomgyu asked.

"sure," i replied. i took my wallet from my bag and we went to lunch together.

as we walked, i kept a lookout for taehyun. i know, i said i was gonna move on and all but, i wanted to at least know how he was doing, whether we got into the same university. i know i shouldn't be caring about him so much and all but... sigh, i can't control myselffrom thinking about him! did i... fall for him and was secretly crushing on himfor two whole years? nono that can't be... i hated his guts... why would i fallfor him, right? ughh >:((

i looked left and right, but no matter how much i searched, he was in no sight. sigh... i guess our phase has come to an end... goodbye kang taehyun, i will start to erase you from my life then... i can't keep myself foolishly still liking someone i'll never be together with, right?

"hey y/n! do you hear me? i asked you, did you have any friends before university," beomgyu asked.

"oh uh sorry, i was thinking about something else... hehe... uhh no i didn't have any," i replied.

"really? that seems kinda impossible though... you're kinda nice from the time i've spent with you, i don't see how you had no friends," he said.

"it's fine... i survived well on my own anyway..." i said.

"mhm, what's the point of friends if you do better as an individual, right? anyway, anything you're interested to ask me about? i asked about you, it's your turn to ask something!" he said.

and from there, we just kept talking and talking. as the conversation went on, i slowly stopped thinking about taehyun. maybe beomgyu would be the one, who could finally get me out from... my taehyun phase...

as we talked, i learnt a lot about him, and vice versa. i learnt about why he missed a year of school, how he's so extroverted, and he also learnt about stuff that happened back in college.

"you must have had such a hard time! no wonder no one wanted to be your friend... but i really feel you're a great friend! and i'd really wanna continue being friends with you, even after hearing the stuff you just said!" beomgyu said.

"thanks, that's really very encouraging," i told him. we soon reached the canteen as we found a good seat.

"let's go get our food!" he said.

"sure! since it's our first day here, let's take some time to look at what they have here!" i said.

with that, i made my first friend. :D

a.n story going well? do leave some feedback :D

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