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y/n pov: 

i heaved a sigh as i left the hotel room. he lied again... how am i even supposed to know when he's telling the truth when he lies so much? 

i made my way home and reached not long after. 

"y/n ah where did you go?" mom asked. 

"my friend called for me but it's all okay now..." i said. 

"okay, go back to your room and take a rest then. you've had a long day," she said.

"thanks mom," i said. 

i made my way into my room and plopped onto the bed. long day indeed... long and confusing day... what goes on... 

"dongsaeng ah," soobin said while knocking the door, bringing me out of my thoughtd. 

"mhm yes?" i asked.

"can i come in?" he asked. 

"sure of course," i said. 

"you... went to see taehyun right?" he asked. 

"wait how do you-" 

"he goes to my school y/n. and i went to work at your school as a security guard for a while in your first year cuz mom wanted me to make sure of your safety," i said. 

"so... he told you?" i asked. 

"yeah... he told me he was doing this today so... i guess he did it already? he really misses you a lot y/n. he talks about you... a lot...." he said. 

"r... really?" i asked. that sparked a bit of happiness in me, but as soon as i thought about what he had done in my first year, that happinesss disappeared. 

"yeah y/n, and you know how much he did for you?" he asked. 

"hm? what did he do?" i asked.

"remember the time yall cheated in the exam and got caught? he actually didn't need to cheat, his studies are good. he just wanted to have a reason to talk to you. and after that, he took the punishment for you, just so you could keep your clean record when yall got caught," soobin explained.

"but... but he told me that there wasn't any punishment..." i said. 

"he didn't want to make you worry. plus, he was guilty for all he had done to you that year too," soobin said. 

"oh... then why didn't he tell me himself?" i asked. 

"um- his pride- he didn't want himself to look too desperate for you-" he said. 

"oh- thanks bro, thanks for telling me," i said. 

"sure, anytime :)," he replied as he went out, "remember to arrange your feelings properly, ask yourself if you love him too okay?" 

"yes yes," i replied as he left the room. 

so... taehyun took the rap for it? he took double punishment just for me? all our memories flashed back in my head as i thought about it. he has been... protecting me all along... 

then, memories of me pushing him away played in my head. he could choose to stop trying, but he chose to continue on, trying to make amendments. and yet... i have been pushing him away... what kind of person am i?

a.n double update :p

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