Chapter 86

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As soon as I get in the car, it pulls away and we leave the neighborhood. 
A pair of dark brown eyes stare at me through the rearview mirror and my heart beats fast in my chest. He puts a phone to his ear, staring at me like a lion chasing its prey.

"We've got her." 

He hangs up and the man sitting beside me grabs my arm roughly and my attention falls on him. 

He takes out a blindfold and my eyes widen when I spot the gun in his other hand. He puts it to my head, right in the middle of my forehead and I try my best to stop my body from trembling like a leaf. 

"You better cooperate if you don't want me to blow a new hole in you." I nod silently and he releases my arm. "Turn around."

I do as he says and he quickly places the blindfold over my eyes. He ties it tightly at the back of my head and I'm sure he enjoys manhandling me. 

"Though there's no chance that you escape us, it's always better to be safe than sorry." Both men chuckle and I swallow hard. 

I don't know what Pablo has in store for me and I honestly don't want to think about it. What's done is done and I can't let my best friend be at the hand of those monsters. 

"You're a hard girl to get ahold of, you know?" The man beside me says with a low, dangerous voice. "I guess we've found your weak spot." He chortles and I clench my fists with anger. 

Those men take me for a fool, they must think that I am stupid but, I've got a plan...
Liam always has someone watching my house and I bet his man just saw me leave with them. He's probably following us carefully and he has probably already called Liam. 
Once there, all I need to do is to buy some time... 
Liam will find us and he will finally bring that bastard of Pablo down once and for all. 
All I need to do is to make sure Jen and I stay safe until he shows up. 

After a few minutes, the car stops and I hear both men get off. 
I stay still until the door next to me opens and someone roughly grabs my right arm and forces me out of the car. I stumble and collapse onto someone's hard chest. The man roughly pulls on my arm and we start walking. 

After a moment, I can tell we're inside a building. The smell around us is weird and the men's voices resonate inside the room. It sounds as if we are in some sort of entrepot. 
The man's grip tightens around my arm and he starts walking faster. I follow him until we finally come to a stop. 
It's silent all of a sudden and I just know Pablo is here. 
I can sense it. 

I freeze when I hear sniffles in the room. 

"Jen?" I take one step but I'm stopped when the man beside me pulls my arm violently. 

"Shut up and stay here!" His rough move makes me bite the inside of my cheek painfully. A sob chokes in Jen's throat and I just want them to remove that stupid blindfold. 
I want to see her.
I want to make sure that she's okay. 

"You can leave." A low, terrifying voice laced with a strong Russian accent echoes in the room and the man lets go of my arm. I hear him retreat and a few seconds later a door closes behind me. 

And I know me and Jen are left alone with him

There's no sound around us except for the footsteps walking in my direction. My heart beats faster and faster in my chest as I wait for Pablo's next move. 
He stops in front of me and I can smell his cologne lingering in the air. 
He hasn't even touched me but I know he's here, right in front of me, scrutinizing me. 

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