Chapter 47

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"How is she?" Jen showed up at my place a few minutes ago. 

"She's not well. She's depressed." I answered honestly. 

"Can I see her?" 

"She doesn't want to see anyone." I tried to cheer her up, to convince her to see her friends but she doesn't want to. 

"I still can't believe it." Jen said sadly. "Why didn't she talk to us?"

"She did but Joane chose not to tell anyone." I said through gritted teeth. 

"She thought she was doing the right thing.."

"The right thing? Are you kidding me?"

"Listen Liam-"

"No I'm not gonna listen to this bullshit. I have other things to do. Like being here from Blake, like picking up the pieces of her broken heart and put them back together. Now go home."

She sighed and turned around, leaving my house. I didn't mean to be mean but it's too much for me, I can't just stay here and listen to her trying to defend Joane for what she's done. 

"Yeah!" My phone rang and I picked up angrily when I saw who was calling again. "No Vince, I told you I can't come today. I have things I need to take care of. I'll come when I'm available." 

I hang up and headed to my bedroom. I can't deal with Vince right now, I need to be here, I need to look over Blake. 

"Hey..." I came in and looked at her. She was sitting on my bed, wearing one of my shirts. "Do you want to go out? We could take a walk just the two of us what do you think?" 

"No, thanks. I just want to stay here."

"Then we can watch TV together." 

I sat down next to her and brought her closer to me, wrapping my arm around her waist. She rested her head against me and closed her eyes. I know we still have a long way to go, I know it will take some time before she recovers from this. 

I stayed next to her all day, like everyday since I found out everything. 

She's so fragile, so innocent, I can't help but feeling this need to protect her grow inside of me. 

What happened to her... I have no words... It haunts me night and day even thought I try not to think about it, it doesn't work, it's here inside of me. Everything she told me, every single detail... I still don't know how I am supposed to live with that. I still hate myself so much for not seeing anything, for thinking she was fine, for letting her stay in that damn manor, at the mercy of that monster. 

I closed my eyes and sighed. 

She's here now... 

Here with me, safe and sound and from now on it is my duty to protect her. 

Hours flew by and eventually Blake woke up. 

I made dinner and we ate together while my mother was at work. 

Well "ate" is a big world, Blake barely touched her plate. I'm always trying to make sure she doesn't starve herself. I'm still scared of leaving her alone, I don't know what's going on in her mind. 

She still wears that blank face sometimes when I enter the room, she still stares at the wall, her face livid, cold. 

And it scares me. 

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