Chapter 69

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I was still at the trailer park when I saw I had a missed call from Blake.  She left a voicemail saying that she was heading back to her house, and I could tell from the sound of her voice that something was not right. 
So I decided to meet her at her place. 

When I arrived, the door was left unlocked and I let myself in. I was surprised to see that Agatha was not home. 
I walked to Blake's bedroom and found her sitting on her bed.

"Lock the door when you're alone." I frowned. 
Anyone could have come in, she should stop being so careless. 
Only a few seconds later did I notice her red eyes. 

"What's going on?" I asked, slowly walking to her bed and I sat next to her. "Why are you crying?"

"It's Joane." She sniffled, "She hates me."

"What are you talking about? Joane loves you."

"Not anymore." She looked up at me. "She admitted it when I came to see her earlier. And do you want to know why?" I nodded, curious to know where this was coming from. "That's because she's still in love with you." I gasped, taken aback by her statement. 

"Blake, that's insane."

"No, it's not. She loves you, Liam. And she thinks we let her down. And you know what? It's true. She is right... Since the trial, I completely let her down. I was not here for her. I'm such a terrible friend." Her voice was cracking, and I hate to see her this way. "Now she thinks that I used her to have you." 

I leaned in and wrapped my arms around her in an attempt to comfort her. 
"She hates me..." She sobbed in my arms and it broke my heart. "I lost my best friend and it's all my fault." 

"Blake..." I wiped her tears away with my thumb and made her look at me. "Right now Joane is needy, it's the lack of drugs that make her talk this way. She probably hates everyone right now."

"I don't know..."

"Trust me, I know how it is. She needs professional help, I'm sure she doesn't mean a thing of what she said."

"I feel so guilty, Liam... I love her and I can't even help her."

"She needs professional help right now-"

"You don't understand, she's pregnant!"

"What?" My eyes widened in shock. 

"Agatha is an ob-gyn, if she was in her room the other day, it means that Joane is pregnant."

"Are you sure?"

"I don't see any other possibility." She closed her eyes in pain. "She can't lead this life if she's expecting a baby."

"I'm going to talk to her... Just wait for me here, okay?"

She nodded silently. 

As I drive to the hospital, my heart is twitching in my chest. I can't help but feel guilty. I shouldn't have let Joane down. 
Once again, I let my anger control me. I let my emotions get the best of me. 
I was so mad at her for not telling me what Blake was going through... But now... 
Now I realize I shouldn't have reacted this way. After all, she was only doing what she thought was best for Blake. She didn't want to betray her friend, it had nothing to do with me... 

I hit the steering wheel in frustration and drove as fast as I could. 
I need to talk to her. 

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