Chapter 56

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When we arrived home, the journalists' questions were still echoing in my head. 

They were on me the second we stepped out of the courtroom, taking stolen pictures, their microphones inches away from my face, all more than willing to get my reaction. 

My lawyer to my left, Liam to my right, we made our way to our car, avoiding them as much as we could.
And finally, we made it home. 

"I will come back tomorrow and we'll take care of the last details, I don't want to bother you with all of this right now. You can have some rest and celebrate your victory, you deserve it." My lawyer shook my hand, grinning.

"Thank you for everything." 

"You're welcome."

"I wish Mr. Miller was here so I could thank him too, he left in such a hurry I didn't have time to talk to him."

"Don't worry, I'm sure he's glad he could help." I smiled shyly, I still wish I could have talked to him in person, after everything he did for me, it's the least I could do.

He said bye to Liam and his mother and left the house, leaving us alone. 

"I'm so happy for you Blake." Lucie kindly told me. 

"Thank you for being here."

"Of course, you're family now." She stepped forward and held me in her embrace. "We will always be here for you." 

I didn't get to spend more time with Lucie as she had to go back to work. I feel for her, she looks so exhausted sometimes, I wish she had more free time for herself... 

She always says money does not grow on trees and unfortunately she's right, she has to work hard, it's the only way for her to save the house she's lived in for years... 


As soon as we were left alone, I grabbed her hand and led her to the couch where we sat next to each other. 

"How are you feeling?" I asked, gently pushing a stray of hair behind her ear. 

"I'm fine." For the first time in forever, I felt like she really meant it and it warmed my heart.

"It's all thanks to you Liam... I would have never had the strength to do everything I did these past months if it weren't for you." She added. 

"You know I will always be here for you." I stroke her cheek and looked at her lovingly. 

"What am I going to do now? Where do you think they're gonna send me?" She asked me with worried in her voice. "I don't want to be apart from you..."

"We will find a solution, like always. Everything will be okay, I promise."

"I hope so..."

I took her hand in mine and looked at her, "Blake... Do you trust me?"

"Of course I do. Why would you ask such a thing?" She frowned, confused. 

"Because there is something I have to tell you..."

"Liam... You're scaring me? What's going on?" she stared at me. "Are you... Breaking up with me?" She bit her lower lip in an attempt to stop it from trembling. 

"No, of course not. It has nothing to do with us." She was about to cry and I didn't want to see any more tears on her pretty face. 

How am I supposed to tell her that I have found her father? That he was here from the beginning but doesn't want to have anything to do with her...

"It's your father..." I rubbed small circles on the soft skin of her palm. "I know who he is."

Her eyes widened with excitement and my heart ached. 

"You've found him?" She asked, a huge smile on her face. "Who is he? Where does he live?" I looked down, looking for the right words... 
How am I supposed to tell her that her best friend's dad is her father? How am I supposed to break her heart and shatter her dream?
I closed my eyes and swore to myself that this was the last time someone would hurt her. I will never let anyone play with her feelings ever. I will dedicate my life to protect her from other people.

And to make her happy. 

"Liam? What's going on?" She asked worried. "Is there something wrong? Is he... Dead?"

"No, he's not." I looked up. "He's very much alive."

"Then what's wrong?" She frowned. 

"You know him Blake..." I almost whispered.

"Who?" She clutched her chest with both hands and I took a deep breath. 

"Gabriel Miller is your father."

"What? But- That's impossible-"

"I'm 100% sure he's your father Blake..."

"But..." She paused and stared at me. "He knows right? He knows about me..."

"Yes." I nodded sadly. 

"He doesn't want to get to know me..."

"I'm sorry..." I leaned forward and hugged her against my chest.  We stayed still for a moment, not saying anything. I gave her the time she needed to process the news. 

"Wait..." She whispered against my chest before looking up at me. "Tom... He's my brother."

"Yes, he is..."

"Does he know about me?" She crossed her arms, frowning. 

"Does he know, Liam?"

"Yes, he does."

"Why didn't he tell me? Did he know this all along?"

"No, he found out a few months ago."

"Months?! And he didn't tell me?!"

"It's not so easy..."

"What about you? How long have you known?"

"Not so long, I swear Blake. I found out when you got charged for biderman's murder. I wanted to turn myself in because I saw no reason why Tom's father would help you and Jen told me the truth to stop me from talking to the cops."

"Jen knows too?!"

"Tom had just told her when you got arrested. I wanted to tell you the truth, you have to believe me, I didn't want to lie to you but then Tom said you couldn't find out before the trial or else his father would not help you. You were accused of being a murderer Blake, I had to protect you. I swore I would tell you as soon as the trial would be over and this is what I'm doing here. It was killing me not being able to tell you."

"Everyone has been lying to me ever since I was born. My parents, my friends..."

"I know... But it's over now. I'll never lie to you again, you have my word Blake." She leaned against me and rested her head against my shoulder and I patted her hair gently. 

"No more secrets..." She whispered against me. 

"No more secrets." I agreed. 

This time I know it's for real. I can feel it. 
This is the start of a new life... 

Our new life. 


Sorry for the short chapter guys but I wanted to update as it's been weeks since the last chapter... 

She knows who her father is now! :-D

I will try my best to write the next chapter soon! 

Love from France <3

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