Chapter 21

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I am standing in the middle of the playground not far from our school waiting for Lauren to come. She came to me yesterday, saying she wanted revenge. She's so mad at me after I hit her at Tom's party. 

I was actually amused when I saw her stare at me with anger, obviously she didn't learn her lesson and I don't mind teaching her not to mess with me once again. 

It's 6 p.m and I'm still waiting for her. I'm not afraid of her anymore, I know I'm stronger than her since Liam has started to train me so if she wanna fight, I'm gonna fight. 

I heard footsteps and I saw her making her way towards me, staring at me angrily. 

Maybe I can talk some sense into her this time, I don't understand why she hates me so much. 

"So you came." She stated calmly. 

"Of course I did so now tell me what do you wanna do now?"

"No one can mess with me, you should know that." 

"You started this! You started all of this Lauren! I never did anything to you except defending myself and you know that! You were supposed to be my friend!"

"Tsk, I couldn't stand you Blake, but you were so naive thinking I was your best friend." She laughed. "All I ever wanted was Tyler but you were always there, playing the perfect girlfriend. Everyone liked you." 

"You're crazy. Nobody's perfect Lauren." 

"I hate you! You're always here lecturing people! I'm sick of this! I'm sick of you! You're wrong if you thought you could hit me without consequences!" She tried to punch me but I grabbed her wrist before she could hit me. She then pulled my hair and I immediately let go of her wrist. Without any hesitation, I punched her in the stomach and I pushed her to the ground, I came on top of her and I started to hit her. I know violence is not supposed to solve anything but I don't know what else to do when it comes to Lauren. She will never leave me alone until she learns her lesson once and for all. The only thing she cares about is her precious doll face. 

After a while I stood up, she was breathing hard and her nose was bleeding. 

"I hope you learned your lesson this time." I crossed my arms triumphantly. 

"You're so stupid. Did you really think I would come alone?" I looked around me, surprised by what she had just said and Clara came out of nowhere, running towards me. 

"You're dead Blake." Lauren laughed, still laying on the ground. 

"And you're a coward." I spat, ready to give Clara a piece of my mind but of course she didn't let me talk, she immediately charged at me. 

I'm sure the poor girl didn't even get into a fight before, she must have been too scared to break a nail so it was pretty easy to take care of her and immobilize her. In no time I was on top of her, giving her a taste of her own medicine. 

I stood up and looked at the two girls that I had just beaten up when I saw Jen, Liam and Jay running towards me. 

"Blake! What have you done?" Jen exclaimed.

"I just taught them not to mess with me." I looked at Liam proudly. "I told you I can defend myself now." Jen shook her head and Jay started to laugh while Liam was smirking. I was proud of myself even if I know violence is not my thing, sometimes it's necessary, sometimes you don't have a choice. 

"Get up." Lauren ordered Clara and they both stood up as best as they could. 

"This is NOT over." She looked at me, her eyes filled with venom before roughly grabbing Clara's arm and leaving the playground. 

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