Chapter 96

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Liam hasn't left my side ever since I woke up this morning. I spent most of the day trying to remember yesterday's events but my mind is blank. I recall having breakfast with Noah and Daniel and then... It's just a blank canvas with small image portions that don't make any sense to me. And my head hurts. Gosh, how it hurts... Liam tells me not to tire myself out, that I'm okay and that's all that matters but still, I hate not knowing what happened to me during that time. 
Rain is falling as I look out the window and my eyes feel heavy as I stare at the raindrops landing on the glass. The door opens, nudging me out of my thoughts. My eyes go wide when they fall on the person walking in. 
She's wearing a pair of thigh jeans and an oversized black t-shirt. I can tell she's lost weight, though she seems to be in better shape than the last time I saw her. Gosh, it feels like it's been forever... I recall walking into that hospital room, and the horrible things she said to me. My heart sinks. How did we lose control? How did we lose our friendship? 
She glances at Liam before looking at me with remorseful eyes, her hand still clenched around the knob, not sure if she's allowed inside. Time is suspended, none of us dares to say a word until she speaks. 

"Can... we speak? Please..." My breath catches in my throat. 

I could tell her to go away, to leave this room, and to never speak to me ever again. Maybe I should... But I am so sick of fighting over such silly things. Liam's just gotten rid of Pablo, the trouble is all behind us now... A new life is about to begin and I don't want to hold a grudge anymore. I made mistakes just like she did. For the past months, we've both been terrible friends, I can't keep pretending that everything that's happened is all her fault. Because it's not true.
And I miss her. 
My head moves slowly and I give her a slight nod. The muscles in her shoulders immediately relax and she carefully walks toward my bed. Liam stands up and looks at me one more time. I nod again and he silently exits the room, leaving us alone. 

"I..." I notice how her fingers play with the hem of her shirt nervously, that's so not like her. Joane is the most confident girl I've ever met but right now she just looks so vulnerable. "I do not wish to upset you, and if you don't want to talk to me ever again, I'd understand and I'll leave you alone, I just... I just needed to talk to you."

"I'm listening." My voice is soft as I pat the mattress, silently inviting her to sit down and she hesitantly settles in front of me. 

"I am so sorry, Blake... I know I made terrible mistakes..." Her lower lip starts trembling but she composes herself and goes on, "I know I've been a terrible friend, and you have absolutely no reason to forgive me but I miss you... I miss you so much. I'm so sorry for everything." Tears race down her cheeks as she stares at me, brows knitted and eyes pleading. I reach for her hand and I give her a small squeeze as our eyes lock. 

"I'm sorry too, Joe. I let you down when you needed me the most, I... I was so concerned about the trial and everything that was going on back then that I didn't realize how much you needed me." 

I lean in and wrap my arms around her, pulling her into a hug, and God how good it feels to have her in my arms right now. For a moment, she breaks into my arms, her body shaking in my embrace as I hold her close. After some time, she composes herself and looks back at me before weeping the tears away with the back of her hand. 

"Are you..."

"Clean?" She finishes my sentence and I nod. "Yes, I'm done with this shit. This time for good. I was just... Having a rough time."

"I know... And I'm glad to hear that. I wouldn't bear it if something happened to you."

"You don't need to worry about that, Liam's got me the most stubborn babysitter of all time." She chuckles, sniffling at the same time. 

Liam... I asked him to stay away from her and he found someone else to look for her. 

"Aldo... He was a pain in the ass but, he's done the job." 

"I'm glad to hear that." I give her a small smile. 

"So... You're gonna have a baby?" Though her voice is soft, it is laced with joy as her eyes fall on my belly. 

"Yeah... You told Tom and Jen... You fixed things between us..."

"I tried. I knew you'd need someone to talk to and... I was not sure you wanted me to be there for you."

"Thank you for doing that. It really means a lot." 

"I know that things may not be the same between us now but... I really want to be there for you too... I really want to be part of your baby's life, if you'd allow me."

"I want you to be part of our baby's life too. I never meant to stop talking to you, Joe, it's just... I guess things just got out of control..."

"They did, but I want to make it up for you." 

"And so do I..." 


Hey guys, I'm sorry for the wait. This chapter is shorter than usual but I wanted to give you an update cause it's been two weeks since the last chapter. Hope you'll like it anyway. Love from France <3

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