Chapter 55

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"Mrs. Biderman, is it true that you hit your daughter?" My mother's lawyer asked. 

"Of course not!" She exclaimed, looking stunned, as if she had never laid a hand on me. "I mean, yes maybe once or twice when she did something wrong but isn't it what all parents do?" She shrugged. 

"So you never hit your daughter with no reason, or just because you were angry?"

"Of course not! She's my daughter and I love her." She stated, looking at me with pleading eyes, as if I were the mean girl in the story. 

"But why would she say such a thing?"

"Because she never liked John, she couldn't even stand him. Everything was fine between us until I married him. She started to be mean to him, then mean to me. I didn't know what to do, I tried my best to make her happy, to offer her a beautiful life but... It was never enough." I gasped in shock at her statement, this is all fake! And now I know she's gonna lie about everything, she's gonna try and make me look like an awful daughter, she built her defense on lies. 

Lies, lies, lies. "She hates me because of John." 

"Speaking about him, why didn't you do anything when she told you what he did to her?"

"Because he never touched her!" The whispering started again and I looked wide-eyed at the jury. I'm not a liar! I wanted to shout. 

"Trust me." Jack whispered next to me and I tried to calm my breathing. 

"I'm sure my husband never touched her, he loved her like she was his own daughter, he would have never done such a terrible thing. John was a respected man, all his friends can tell you that! And he was never home anyway, he used to work a lot. I am 100% sure she is lying."

"Really?" Her lawyer asked.

"When she told me, I asked him his version of the story... He denied everything and I could tell he wasn't lying. I knew my husband." She paused for a second before looking at me. "She says she had nowhere else to go but that's not true. She used to sleep at her boyfriend's house all the time so if she really was in danger with us she could have left our house a long time ago... But she didn't. She stayed with her 'crazy' mother and 'perverted' step father."

"What about the day you saw him hit her?" 

"That's a lie! I never saw him lay a finger on her! If if were true, I would have stopped him of course."

"Thank you Mrs. Biderman."

My lawyer stood up and replaced hers.

"Mrs. Biderman... You're saying you never hurt your daughter so my question is, why are you lying?"

"Objestion your honor!"

"Please Mr. Spencer, get straight to the point." The judge warned him. 

"Mrs. Biderman, many people here can testify that you beat your daughter-"

"Well they're lying." She interrupted them. 

"Fine." He sighed before he walked toward me and grabbed a file. He then turned around to face her. "I've got your daughter's medical records here in my hands, let's a look together if you'd like." He looked down and opened the file. "Since she was a child, your daughter has been admitted 6 times with physical injuries. Blows, fractures, internal bleeding... All have been listed as falls and fights with other kids... But never once have you filled a complaint against those kids who seemed to mistreat your daughter... That's hard to understand coming from a loving mother. But that's not all, more recently your daughter tried to commit suicide... Do you have any idea why she would want to end her life if her life was so perfect?"

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