Chapter 19

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"My God Blake what's going on?!" Jen asked as soon as she opened the door of Tom's house. She and Tom were staring at me with wide eyes. "Did you cry?!" 

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have come here, I-" 

"Will you tell us what's going on?" She interrupted me. 

"Liam and I had a fight." I sniffed. "He yelled at me, he really scared me... He said he shouldn't have brought me to his house." I sobbed.

"What?! Seriously?! He has some nerves-" 

"Please Jen, calm down." Tom asked calmly. "You can spend the night here Blake." 

"Really? But... Your parents..." 

"Don't worry about that," He smiled sadly, "My dad is never home, I'm alone here." 

"Well... Thank you Tom... I don't know what to say..."

"It's ok, now let's enjoy this party." 

Jen and Tom smiled at me, as if they wanted to reassure me. 

At least I have a place to sleep tonight. 

Of course, before being able to forget about Liam and have some fun, I had a few drinks. 

I stayed in Tom's house while everyone was partying outside, jumping and swimming in the pool, I didn't really have the heart to have fun. 

It took me a while before I put myself together and went outside with the others.

That's when I spotted Lauren, Clara end Tyler, in the far end of the garden. 

I joined Tom and Jen who were talking near the pool, smiling at them but of course, things always go wrong when Lauren and her "minions" are here. 

"Try not to think about him." Jen said nicely. "Just enjoy the party."

 Easy to say. I thought. 

"What do you want?" Tom asked menacingly, crossing his arms angrily and looking right behind me. I turned around only to see Tyler, Lauren and Clara standing behind me. 

"What is she doing here?" Tyler asked nonchalantly. "Your parties are not what they used to be, I can see that everyone can get in now." He looked me up and down. "She shouldn't be here," He continued, "She has nothing to do here, with us." He made sure to emphasized his last words. 

"Blake is my friend now," Tom stated firmly, "And I invited her."

"Well I don't want to be seen with her." 

"No one forces you to stay, Tyler."

"Are you being serious right now?! Are you really willing to turn your back on me for a girl like her? Everyone knows she's a slut." 

"You're a fucking liar Tyler, you're the bad guy in the story. You don't deserve to be so popular and you know what? You and I, we're not friends anymore so I suggest you to leave my house before I beat the crap out of you." 

I was shocked by his words, was he really willing to kick Tyler out for me?

"You can't be serious Tom, Blake is not worth it, she's a bitch." Lauren shouted at him but tonight, I was not going to let her to talk about me like that. 

"Oh shut up Lauren!" I shouted. "You were supposed to be my friend! You, out of all the people I know, were supposed to take my side!" 

"Oh dear Blake, I was never your friend. But you were so naive you didn't even see it. All I wanted was Tyler and now, as you can see, I have him and you have no one so, who won Blake?"

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