Chapter 62

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Gabriel Miller

"How could this happen?! My reputation is ruined now!"  I rubbed my temples trying in vain to vent out my frustration. 

"Please Gab... Calm down." Jack addressed me as if I were a child. 

"Calm down? How the hell am I supposed to calm down?!" I threw my hands in the hair before looking down at the mess I just made. 
When I found out what that bitch of Kate had just done, it drove me insane. 
Luckily I was alone in my house cause I didn't want Tom to see me this way. My anger was such that I tore my house, throwing away anything I could get my hands on. 
Now empty glasses and bottles, broken frames cover the ground of my living room. 

"Now everybody knows that I knocked up that bitch! That I didn't take care of her baby!"

"Don't you think you're overreacting? Most people don't care about that."

"Not when you're a respected member of the Republican party. You know my ambitions Jack." I paused to refill my glass and I drank it down in one go. "You know that I want to become a senator." I looked at him sternly. "And now everything is ruined Jack, they'll all lose faith in me, don't act like you don't know that."

"Okay... Maybe you missed your chance of being a senator but... You've just found your daughter, don't you think you should be happy?"

"Happy? Are you fucking kidding me right now?" I threw my glass at his feet and he dodged it. He looked me up and down, his eyebrow raised and I grabbed the bottle of scotch and drank from it. 

"Look, you've been my friends for so many years... If you were the cold-hearted bastard standing in front of me right now, I think I would have noticed years ago. Don't be that guy, Gab..." He sighed and walked towards me slowly. "She's your daughter and look what they did to her... Are you that insensitive?"

"Of course not." I took another sip hoping to drown my sorrow. "Can't you see? It's all my fault. I'm the man who abandoned her, I'm the one who let her down, who left her at the mercy of those monsters and I'm going to live with that for the rest of my life. And now as if it weren't enough, everyone knows what a horrible father I am and it's going to ruin my career."

"Well... Maybe that's a sign... Maybe it's time for you to put your career on hold and to take care of your son and daughter. You can redeem yourself..."

"Yeah, right Genius, and what am I supposed to do huh? Knock at her door and say 'Hi it's me, let's be a family.'" 

"Again, you're overreacting."


"Unless what?" 

"That's it! If I tell everyone that I had no idea that she existed-"


"If she accepts to help me and confirm my version of the story, that would change everything. Think of it, it could work!"

"Are you serious right now? Are you really going to ask her to lie for you?!"

"That's the only solution... I need to see her."

"Seriously... You're killing me Gabriel."

"Don't 'Gabriel' me, I know exactly what I'm doing."


"Is that mister Miller outside our house?!" Agatha walked towards me, wearing a worried face. 

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