Chapter 6- Alberto and Giulia Reunite

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Alberto carefully carried his cake out of the door and onto the pavement, making sure not to drop it. In his back pocket, he held the wooden carving that Massimo had given him.

This is for you, Luca.

Alberto ran through the streets of Portorosso, trying to get to the train station as fast possible. Alberto wasn't exactly the most careful person, especially considering that he had a giant cake in one of his hands.

Massimo shouted, "Alberto! Slow down, please. We can't have you dropping that cake."

Alberto slowed down for a few seconds before he saw the train station off in the distance. He couldn't slow down, not now. He was this close to seeing his Luca, and nothing could stop him.

"Alberto, wait slow do-"

It was too late, however. With one swift motion, Alberto tripped over a dent in the pavement, sending him tumbling towards the ground. As soon as his body made impact with the floor, the container of cake was sent flying up in the air. Alberto tried to stand up to grab it, but felt a jolt of pain run through his body, causing him to fall back down to the floor.

"No!" Alberto screamed. Alberto was so disappointed. He should've listened to Massimo, but it was already too late. The cake he spent a whole night working on was ruined in a few seconds.

Alberto felt Massimo pull him up from the ground. Alberto couldn't bare to look his dad in the eyes, he was expecting Massimo to give him the 'disappointed dad look', but Alberto knew he deserved it. He looked up at his dad, but instead of Massimo being angry, he was laughing.

"Wh-why are you laughing? I just dropped my cake, and you're laughing?" Alberto asked with a cold tone in his voice.

Massimo stopped laughing and set the boy down. Alberto winced at the pain that ran through his body from standing up. Something must've hurt in his leg.

"I'm sorry for laughing Alberto. It's just that, you should've listened to me," Massimo said.

Alberto sighed, "Yeah, I know.."

Massimo gave Alberto a nod of approval. "Oh, by the way, not all is lost."

"What do you mean?" Alberto questioned.

Massimo leaned down and picked up a large container. It was Alberto's cake!

Alberto's green eyes lit up as he hugged Massimo.

"Thank you! Thank you thank you thank you!" Alberto shouted excitedly.

"Of course, figlio," Massimo warmly smiled. "This time, I managed to catch it before it hit the ground. Next time, though, just be more careful."

Alberto nodded quickly and gave Massimo a thumbs up before running in the opposite direction.

"Alberto. You can't- oh never mind, the boy isn't going to listen," Massimo chuckled to himself.

Alberto wasn't paying attention to Massimo, because all he was focusing on was getting his cake to Luca. Well, and Giulia..

But mainly Luca!

As Alberto got closer and closer to the train station, he started to think about Giulia. He was thinking about Luca so much that he completely forgot about her! If only I could see the look on her face, Alberto thought. Technically, Giulia was his sister. After all, he had been adopted into their family by Massimo. Alberto made a mental note to make sure he would say hi to Giulia, not just Luca, before getting to the train station entrance.

This is it, Alberto. You're finally going to see Luca after all this time. Take a breath, and be cool. Silenzio Bruno!

Alberto laughed to himself after saying that in his head. As much as he hated to admit it, he still told himself 'Silenzio Bruno' from time to time. He never told anyone that though, not even Luca when they talked on the phone. Alberto was so afraid of looking weak, especially in front of Luca. Just like when Alberto first met Luca, he always tried to seem cool and tough in front of everyone. Because of that, he just stopped saying 'Silenzio Bruno' out loud. He would only say it in his head, where nobody could hear him.

Alberto took a deep breath, and stepped forward onto the train station floor.

Here we go..

Alberto had a feeling of nostalgia as he walked onto the floor again. Ever since Alberto had watched Luca leave the train station for school, Alberto never stepped foot in the train station. He just didn't want to keep putting that memory inside of his head. The thought of Luca leaving just made him sad. But here he was, standing at the entrance, looking for Luca after watching him leave so long ago.

Alberto started to look around, hoping to see any sign of Luca or Giulia. In his desperate attempt to locate either of his friends, he heard a voice shouting in the distance. Alberto couldn't make it out at first, until the voice started to get louder and louder.


Alberto turned around in a circle, looking for the source of the voice.

"Alberto!!" the voice shouted. This time, Alberto could tell that the voice was coming from behind him. He turned around eagerly, and saw a person running towards him. Alberto's eyes lit up and he started sprinting towards the mystery person. The sun woke up, shining its rays down on Alberto, revealing none other than Giulia, who was wearing her usual blue beanie. She was wearing some ripped blue jeans with a white shirt that had horizontal blue stripes. Alberto embraced his new sister with an inviting hug. He smiled at Giulia, noticing how she didn't look too much different from last summer. Alberto was surprised, especially considering that he had changed quite a lot. He wondered if Luca had changed at all.

Giulia gave Alberto a super tight hug back, slightly choking Alberto.

"Giulia- please. T- too tight," Alberto stammered.

Giulia kept hugging Alberto for a long time, before letting him go.

"Ha! Luca said the same thing. You two really are meant to be!" Giulia said while shaking Alberto.

Alberto's cheeks turned a bright red before punching Giulia in the shoulder. "It's not like that Giulia. We're best friends- I mean..."

Alberto paused, not knowing what to say next. "Never mind, just shut up Giulia."

Giulia laughed, "I'm glad you haven't changed one bit Alberto!"

Alberto relaxed a bit. That was close, he thought. As much as Alberto liked Giulia, he couldn't bare to tell he what he actually thought about Luca. He had set up a million different negative outcomes in his head, making him too worried to say anything to her.

"Oh wait! I remember that papà.." Giulia paused. She didn't want to say anything that would hurt Alberto's feelings.

"Yeah, he adopted me Giulia. You can just say that it's okay," Alberto said while rubbing the back of his shoulder.

Giulia once again embraced Alberto in a hug, giving him a pat on the back as well.

"Papà always had a soft spot for you. And so did I, Alberto," Giulia said softly.

Alberto felt a single tear fall from his eye. Even though Giulia could be very intense, she always had a soft spot for Luca and Alberto. She could be hyper and energetic, but also calm and supportive. It amazed Alberto.

"T-thanks Giulia. Umm, hey could I maybe tell you something?"

Giulia stared Alberto in the eyes, "Oh, you want to tell me something? Sure! Go ahead!"

Alberto smiled, but as soon as he opened his mouth, he heard Massimo call Giulia's name in the background.

Giulia shouted loudly, "Papà! I'm so sorry Alberto, you can just tell me next time!"

Before Alberto could respond, Giulia ran over to Massimo and jumped into his arm. Alberto couldn't really get mad; Giulia hadn't seen her dad in a year, while he saw him every day. Alberto sighed and turned around to face the sun. Yeah, next time...

"Alberto! Is that you??" a voice shouted in the distance.

Alberto felt his heartbeat stop for a second. He knew that voice anywhere. Could it be?

"L-Luca?" Alberto gasped.

Alberto saw the silhouette of a boy get closer and closer. He was right.

It was Luca...

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